Chapter 1: To Hate the Sun

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Chapter 1

To Hate the Sun



To hate the sun was something I learned over time, but relief didn’t belong to solely to the night either. Night was a time to heal, to remember. I’d rather forget.

The boy next to me shifted on his cot. The first morning rays were spilling into the room. It bounced against the cuts on the werewolf’s back hadn’t healed properly. Looking away, I laid my head on my knees as I sat at the top of my bed. I rubbed my shoulder to work out the stiffness. My own punishment from the previous day. I glanced around at the scattered beds. Mine wasn’t the worst though.

A bell sounded. The room was quickly filled with movement as everyone began to rise. I didn’t move and watched them leave the room one by one. A familiar person stood at the end of my bed.


I glanced up at him.

West sighed and sat down. “Did you sleep at all?”

“A bit,” I said softly with a shrug.

He reached over and ruffled my hair. “Come on.” Standing, he held out his hand.

Taking it, I let him help me up. I stayed close behind him as went to the bathrooms.

“How’s the arm?”

I rubbed my shoulder. “It healed.”

West stopped and turned to face me. Pulling back my hand, he grazed his fingers over the bruise. “I guess.” He glanced at my wrist as my identification band slipped down my arm. “You’ve been scratching at it again.”

I nodded. “It itches.” I wrapped my hand around the rash to hide it from view.

He put his arms around my shoulders, and we continued to the bathroom. “You’re going to make it worse. I’ll treat it again along with your shoulder tonight.”

“I don’t think you can do anything more,” I said softly.

“We’ll see.” He held open the door and ushered me into the community bathroom.

After stripping off our clothes and tossing them into the bin, we headed off to a corner. I turned the handle to the shower and flinched when the cold water poured over my head. West jumped as well when it hit him. I washed off quickly and turned it off. Even though I was shivering, I waited for West. Two large men were standing by the towels. An omega my size was just a plaything for wolves like them.

West finished. “God, we need to get here faster. Even the water back at Hidden Peak was warmer than this.”

I smiled, watching my packmate shake off. He was shivering worse than me.

Hugging my arms around me, I followed him across the room. West tossed me a towel and grabbed one for himself. We dried ourselves off before wrapping them around our waist. Going into the next room, we started the search for clothes that fit. I sighed as I dug through the bin of shirts. West quickly found something his size and put them on, before starting to help me look.

“This might do.” He held up the regular gray pants with the stretching waist band.

My head tilted to the size. “They’ll fall off.”

“Hmmm…” West stretched the band a couple times. “Yeah, someone tried squeezing into them and stretched them out.” He tossed them back in the pile. “Sub these days. They’re always thinking they're smaller than they actually are. Kind of like someone that I constantly hear whining about it.”

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