Chapter 68: Qrow

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I gazed down at my empty shot glass. I had been at the bar for a few hours and was already a bit tipsy. My team STRQ photo was sitting near me. I sighed as my eyes fell on Summer. I placed my drink over her face so I wouldn't have to look at her.

She had left for that mission months ago. I had lost all hope of her ever returning. She was gone. And I had to accept it.

"Excuse me, sir," a voice said.

I looked up to see a waitress leaning over my table.
"I couldn't help but notice that you're out of whiskey. Would you like a refill?"

I nodded and shoved the glass towards her.
"Sure," I told her.

She took the glass and walked towards the bar.
After a few minutes, she came back and sat the glass down next to my team STRQ photo. Her eyes fell on it.

"Hey, you were a member of team STRQ, weren't you?" she asked.

I looked up at her, shocked.
"How'd you know?"

She smiled and laughed.
"Everyone knows about team STRQ. You and your team made quite the name for yourselves back in the day," she said.

"Yeah," I said. "I guess we did."

She said nothing else as she walked away. I drank my whiskey and stared at Summer. I missed her, but I doubted I would ever see her again. I sighed and rose to my feet.

"Leaving already?" the waitress asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for the drink. I'll see you again sometime."

I walked out of the bar and started on my long way home. Everything was peaceful until I heard a familiar growl behind me. My body tensed and I gripped my weapon.

"Damn Beowolves," I growled.

I turned around to face them, but I wasn't greeted by the usual Beowolves. These looked like they had platted armor.

"What in the name of—"

Before I could finish, one of them lunged forward at me. I barely moved out of the way in time. I gripped my weapon and transformed it into its scythe form. I tried to cut through the armor, but my scythe did nothing but scratch the outside of it.

"Damn. What do I do?" I asked out loud, as the armored Beowolves started to circle around me. I grabbed my scroll and gazed down at it. Tai was probably busy with the kids to help out.

"Looks like I'm on my own," I mumbled.

I grabbed my scythe and got the gun ready to fire. The first few bullets missed. I growled in frustration as I shot at them again. This time, one of the bullets hit the armor, causing a dent in it. But other than that, it seemed to be unharmed.

"Dammit," I growled. "Maybe fire dust will be more effective?"

I loaded my gun barrels with the fire dust bullets and prepared to fire again. This time, the bullets were more effective, striking the Beowolves' armor. They cried out in pain as they dissipated.

I sighed in relief and continued my way home.
When I was walking towards my door, I heard another monstrous growl.

"Me and my bad luck," I said, as I turned around to see what was behind me.

I couldn't make out what it was supposed to be. It looked almost human-like. Just like the thing Tai and I came across. It made the most horrifying hissing sound as it crawled toward me. I gripped my weapon, but it grabbed my wrists and pulled me forward. I fell onto the ground, my head nearly missing a boulder.

"Ouch! Dammit!" I cursed, as I tried to get back on my feet.

The thing hissed again as it reached out to grab me. I dodged this time and quickly transformed my weapon and sliced through the enemy.

It dissolved just as I was putting my weapon away. I looked around to see if there was anything else waiting to ambush me. Once I saw it was all clear, I quickly walked to my apartment door and slammed it shut. I was relieved there were no more enemies. At least for tonight.

Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes (A Sequel to STRQ) [Book 2]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя