Chapter 3: Raven

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"You're such a dork, Tai," I said, pushing him roughly.

He chuckled and smiled at me, his bright blue eyes looked into mine. "Whatever. Now, are you going to help me study? I need to pass this class."

I gazed into his eyes and I started to blush. "Yeah... sure. Let's get started then."

I sat up in bed suddenly, my hand clutching my chest. Sweat was covering my forehead and I was breathing heavily. 

"Stupid dream," I snapped at myself.

I was careful not to wake anyone as I got up and walked outside of the tent. It was still late at night, the moon was high in the sky and there was a gentle breeze. I could here cries of the Grimm in the distance. They seemed to be very far off, and I honestly didn't feel like fighting. Not after the dream I had. They started happening shortly after I returned to the tribe. Most of them were about Tai, though some of them had Summer in them. I didn't want to think about that stupid team. I tried my best to forget all that had happened and all that I've learned, but everything seemed to came back to me in my dreams, which were becoming more vivid than before. I looked around camp to see if there was something I could occupy myself with and found a nearby hand axe. I took it in my right hand and made my way to the woods just outside of the camp.

"We need more firewood anyway," I whispered to myself.

I found an old log that seemed big enough to cut wood on. I started chopping the small pieces first, chopping them in half with quick motions. I tried to keep my mind of things, but the image of Tai kept creeping into my mind. I shut my eyes tightly and swung the axe as hard I could, which ended up splitting the stump in two. I opened my eyes to examine it. The damage wasn't too bad. I could still use it for chopping the wood. I continued the process until sunrise, when I heard someone calling out for me. I strapped the hand axe to my side and grabbed the firewood. My leader, and grandfather, was waiting for me when I made my way back to the camp.

"Raven, where have you been?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, Leader. I was chopping firewood for us."

He shook his head. "Don't leave like that again. We've lost your brother... if we lost you, our tribe would be defenseless against threats. We can't afford to lose you."

I sat the firewood on the ground and straitened up.
"You need not fear, Leader. I won't leave our tribe. I won't be a traitor like my brother."

"Good. Now I'd like for you to go on perimeter patrol and take out any Grimm that you see as a threat."

I nodded. "Of course. I'll go straight away."

I walked outside of the camp to begin my patrol. Nothing but a few small Grimm here and there. After about an hour of doing this, I heard a petrifying scream. I ran back to camp as quickly as I could and saw my grandfather standing before a few men. I walked next to my grandfather and kept my hand on my katana.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

The men looked over at me.
"We're huntsmen. And we're on a bounty mission for your leader. Now, move over so we can do our job."

I unsheathed my katana and pointed it strait at them.
"I don't think so. You won't be leaving our tribe alive," I snapped.

The huntsmen readied their weapons.
"We'll see about that."

I turned to my grandfather. "Go inside the tent. I'll handle these bastards."

He nodded and left me alone with the two huntsmen. One of them started to go after my grandfather, but I blocked his path.

"I don't think so. You stay away from my leader!"

He slashed his sword toward me and I blocked it easily. I noticed that he didn't have that much strength in his arms and I was able to deflect his sword from his hand. He looked at me shocked. "How... how the hell did you do that?!"

I smiled smugly at him. "It wasn't hard to do. You're weak."

The second huntsmen came running behind me. With some quick thinking, I grabbed a hold of his right arm and body slammed him into the ground. I felt his arm snap and his aura broke completely. He screamed in pain as he cradled his right arm, which was bent unnaturally.

I sent my heel right into his face, making his nose break. Blood shot from his face and onto my boot.

"Great... I'll have to clean these later," I muttered to myself.

I looked around for his friend and saw him running towards the woods. I quickly caught up with him and tackled him onto the ground.

"Please... let me go!" he begged.

I pressed my katana to his throat.
"The strong always survive, while the weak don't. And here I thought to make your death quick and painless."

He helplessly tried to escape my grasp, but he could hardly move.
I slowly began to cut his throat deep with my blade, blood gushed onto my hand as he tried to scream. The scream sounded more like a wet gurgling sound. I threw his body to the side and listened to his desperately try to breathe. I didn't worry about anyone finding the body. It would probably be taken by Grimm or eaten by the time anyone found it. I made my way to the second huntsmen and found he was unconscious. I made quick work of him and carried his body to his friends'. I grabbed some wood and other flammable spices and set the the bodies on fire.

My grandfather found me later that evening tending the fire.

"Where did you put the bodies?" he asked.

"I decided to set them on fire. It was the best way to destroy evidence if anyone find anything."

"Good. You have been a great asset to your tribe, Raven. Maybe when the time comes, you'll become its new leader."

I straightened and look at him.
"It would be my honor to lead our people, Leader. And if the day does ever come... I'll do my very best for us."

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "That's all I ask of you Raven."

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