Chapter 38: Taiyang

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I was a little late getting to work. Professor Thalia Ignis was a stickler for staying on time and didn't like anyone to be tardy. I just hope she took it easy on me.

I didn't know much about her except that she was a professor and the dean of the school. She was also from Vacuo, which probably explained her survival mentality. But she had been a good mentor so far, even though she could be a bit harsh when it came to certain things.

I walked into the classroom as quietly as I could. The students were mainly talking amongst each other and training, while Professor Ignis sat at her desk, grading some papers.

Without looking up, she said, "Xiao Long... I would appreciate it if you were more punctual. That way I won't be stuck with your job. I'm a very busy woman. I thought you were here to help."

"I am, Professor. I was just a bit late today. I'll try my best to be on time from now on," I told her.

"Very well. I have to finish grading these papers. The students are already doing their assignments for the day."

I gazed around the room and watched as the students trained with one another.

All of them except one.

His name was Marcus Black. He was a loner for the most part, and what I knew from Professor Ignis is that he was the first in his family to attend a combat school. His parents didn't have a lot of funds, but Marcus somehow got himself here anyway. I admired his perseverance, but he had one flaw that held him back. He was stubborn. He often refused to work with the other students, and I had yet to see him talk to any of them. The only people he spoke to were me and Professor Ignis. Even then he only spoke to us if it was necessary. I was surprised he was still passing the course.

"What about Marcus? I don't see him working with anyone," I said.

Professor Ignis ran her fingers through her light brown hair.
"You know how he is. He's too stubborn to. That's why I wanted you to work with him today. He needs to improve his kicks, but his biggest issue is punching."

I nodded. "I'll go and train him, Professor."

I walked over to where Marcus was and smiled at him.
"Hey, Marcus. How are you today?"

Marcus grunted. "Fine. What do you want? I'm not working with anyone. That's out of the question."

"I'm aware. I'm actually here to help you today. I heard from the professor that you're having trouble with your punching," I told him.

Marcus sighed and ran his fingers through his silver grey hair. "A little. But I'll manage. I always have."

"Come on. You have an exam in a few weeks. The exam is going to cover what you've learned in class so far. That includes the various punches you still need to learn."

Marcus was quiet for a moment.
"...Fine. Who am I going to be partnered up with?"

I laughed and got into my fighting stance.
"You'll be training with me today," I told him.

Marcus went wide-eyed and his mouth hung open slightly.
"I'm sorry... what?" he asked.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. Now, could you get into your fighting stance? Make sure your feet are apart, but not too far. It might throw you off balance," I said.

I watched he as assumed his fighting stance. Aside from needing to adjust his arms a bit, he seemed to have the stance down pretty well.

"Excellent. Now the first punch is called a jab. It's a pretty quick move and it allows you to keep your opponent at a distance."

Marcus did his best to mimic the move, but he was too slow and I was able to dodge swiftly.

"Hey!" he snapped.

I chuckled a little. "Sorry Marcus. You're going to have to be a bit quicker if you want to land a hit on me."

He growled in frustration and tried again. He was a bit quicker this time, but he only managed to hit my shoulder.

"How are you so quick?!" he demanded.

"Lots of practice," I told him.

He sighed and we went back to training. After an hour of this, Marcus was panting and sweating.

"Can we... take a break?" he asked between breaths.

I nodded. "Of course. Sorry if that last match was a bit rough. I tend to really get into combat sometimes."

"It's okay. I'm kinda glad you weren't that easy on me."

We rested for a few minutes before class officially ended.

As Marcus was about to leave out the door, I called to him.

"Hey, Marcus?" I yelled.

He turned to look at me.
"Yeah?" he asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that you did really good today. I can already see some improvements."

He smiled slightly. I think it was the first time I ever saw him smile.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, Mister Xiao Long."

"Likewise," I said as he disappeared out the door.

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