Chapter 34: Taiyang

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It had been roughly four months since I've started my job at Signal. I enjoyed it so far, and the students seemed to like me. I didn't get the chance to work with them much, but I when I did, I found to be an enriching experience.

Raven was six months pregnant now and we found out that we were having a girl during her last appointment. Everything was going well... except for Raven's mood swings. Which only worsened as the pregnancy progressed. She slept in most days and has hardly gone on many missions, which I was relieved to see.

My thoughts were interrupted by the whistling of the kettle. I quickly removed it from the stove and poured the boiling water over a tea cup that had bag of green tea inside. I was in the middle of making some breakfast for Raven. She was still sleeping upstairs. I thought surprising her would start her morning off with a nice start. I turned the heat down and grabbed a large iron skillet that I had hanging near the cabinet. I placed it down on the stove top slowly before putting in some butter. The eggs were sitting on the table where the bacon was thawing. I grabbed two of them and a few slices of bacon before putting everything back into the fridge.

I finished cooking the food and assembled it onto a breakfast tray before making my up the staircase slowly. I stopped once I reached the bedroom door.

I knocked on it softly a few times.
"Raven? Are you awake? I made you some food if you wanted some."

There was a brief silence before I heard her say, "I'm awake. The door is unlocked."

I carefully balanced the try on my left arm as I used my right hand to open the door.
Raven was sitting up, her black hair was a mess and she looked liked she didn't get much sleep during the night. I walked over to her side and sat the tray down on the nightstand next to her scroll.

"That smells really nice," Raven said, smiling a little. "I thought you left for work."

I sat next to her as she reached over to get a slice of bacon.

"I do leave around this time usually. But something came up at Signal and now all morning classes are cancelled. But I still have to go in later this afternoon," I explained.

Raven nibbled on her piece of bacon. "Oh okay."

I looked at her. "You look exhausted. Did you sleep okay last night?"

She sighed and shook her head.
"Not really. It's hard to get comfortable sometimes. And it doesn't help when the baby starts kicking at night..."

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

"I don't think so. Besides, we have other things to worry about," she told me.

I looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

She reached over for the other piece of bacon. "Baby names. We're going to have to find a name for our daughter. Too bad we aren't having a boy."

I watched as her lips frowned a little. She looked disappointed.

"Why did you want a boy?"

She sighed and her cheeks got pink.
"Because... I wanted to name him after you."

I was shocked. She wanted to name our child after me?

"What? But... why?"

"Well... I really like it. And I know our child is probably going to have your strength. So they'll need an equally strong name, too. But we're having a girl, so we'll need to think of something else," she said.

I thought for a moment.
"Hm... how about we just call her Yang?"

Raven looked up at me. "What?"

"It's similar to my name. Just without the 'Tai' part. It sounds feminine enough for a girl, too. What do you think?" I asked her.

She was quiet for a few seconds before I saw her lips smile a little.
"I like it. Yang Xiao Long it is."

"You're using my last name too?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yang Xiao Long has a better ring to it than Yang Branwen. Don't you think so?"

I just shrugged and held up my hands. I knew better than to get into an argument with her.
"I think it sounds nice," I told her.

She smiled again as she had begun to eat her eggs. I kissed her cheek gently and couldn't help but smile back.

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