Chapter 2: Taiyang

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It took me several minutes to finally find what I was looking for. It was an old wooden frame. The picture that was currently in it was discolored and honestly didn't look that great. I removed the back panel and took out the old picture. I took the picture of my team and placed it inside. After putting back the back panel, I laid it on the stand near my TV.

"Hm... not too bad," I said to myself.

I found myself looking at Raven. She was smiling. I thought she looked a lot better when she smiled. I sighed and turned away from the picture. I missed her a lot. I know we didn't exactly end on good terms, but that didn't change my feelings about her. I cared about her more than I should have. But it didn't look like she felt the same about me...

The sound of my scroll interrupted my thoughts. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered.

"Hello, Mister Xiao Long," a familiar voice greeted.

My eyes widened. "Ozpin! It's nice to hear from you. Did you need something?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. I was wondering if you would like to work for me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I would like you to do some missions for me. They'll be a bit harder than the ones you've had with your team, but as a graduate of Beacon, I'm sure you can handle it."

"Sure. I was just about to sign up for some later," I said.

"Wonderful. I'll send you a list tonight. Good luck."

I thanked him and hung up.
I didn't really have that much to do. I noticed the newspaper I had left on the dining room table. I picked it up and began to read the front page. Nothing really caught my attention, until I saw the job offerings.

There was a teaching assistant job at Signal that needed to be filled. The job required experience with hand-to-hand combat. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to me.
I made a mental note to apply later and placed the news paper back on the table.

I walked into the living room and flipped on the TV to watch the news. Somehow, I found myself looking at the team STRQ photo once again. I still couldn't wrap my head around why Summer didn't blame Raven for the team breaking apart. Unless she pointed the blame at the entire team, but that wouldn't make any sense. I didn't do anything wrong besides get a bit heated with Summer and Qrow a few times.

My mind continued to drift until I felt my scroll vibrate. I pulled it out and noticed that Ozpin had sent me a list of missions that were available. Most of them were search and destroy, while others required catching criminals and looking for missing civilians. After looking through several of them, I decided to go on a search and rescue mission to find a missing boy. It seemed to be more exciting than the other missions I've been on. I added my information and received a confirmation email a few minutes later. The email came with more details of the mission as well as a picture and physical description of the boy I would be searching for. He looked around nine or ten and according to the report, his name was Roman Torchwick. He was put into a juvenile detention center for shoplifting and numerous assaults, but he escaped around a few weeks ago.

I examined his picture for a moment before shutting off my scroll. It looked like I was after quite the troublemaker...

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