Chapter 46: Taiyang

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I walked out of the portal to find Raven curled up on the couch. She was panting pretty heavily, and she looked to be in pain.

"Raven! Are you okay?" I asked her.

"No, you idiot," she panted. "My water broke just after you left. And I've been having contractions for a while."

"What?! Why didn't you come get me sooner?"

"Because you were busy helping Qrow. I tried to wait as long as I could. But these contractions are getting worse."

Raven put her face between the pillows and moaned in pain.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Raven shook her head and replied, "No. I think it's already too late for that. The contractions are minutes apart already. I might need your help delivering the baby."

"I can't do that! I'm not a doctor!"

"Please Tai? I really could use some—"

She gasped and moaned in pain again. After a few seconds, she continued.

"I could really use your help. Please?" she asked.

"Okay. What do you want me to do first?"

"Get some towels and set them on the floor. Things will get messy."

I nodded and headed to the bathroom where we kept the towels. I grabbed about five of them and went back to the living room. I sat the towels on the floor near the couch.

"Now what do I do?" I asked.

Raven said nothing as she screamed into the pillow.

Everything else after that was a blur. There was a lot of blood. So much I thought she would bleed to death. But she got through the birth fine. Besides the screaming and cursing.

I tried to be gentle when handling the baby. She had blonde hair like mine, and her eyes were a light shade of purple. She was covered in blood and fluid. I grabbed a clean towel and wiped her clean gently. Once she was cleaned up, I held her out to Raven. She took her and smiled a little.

"Hello, Yang," she whispered. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Yang... our sunny little dragon," I said, kissing Yang's forehead.

"She's going to be tough like her father. I can already see it," Raven said.

I chuckled. "Maybe. I think she'll be a fast fighter like you."

Raven looked down at Yang and replied, "I guess we'll just have to see, won't we?"

"Yeah. I bet she'll be walking before we know it and starting school," I said.

"Probably. Could you cut the unbiblical cord?" she asked.

"Oh. Right. Of course."

I took a pair of clean scissors and carefully cut the cord. There was some bleeding, but not too much. I applied some pressure and the bleeding stopped after a few minutes.

"Um... Tai?" Raven asked.

I turned to face her. "Yeah?"

"I think we need to call the hospital now."

I called the hospital and had the ambulance come to our home. The EMTs were talking care of Raven and the Yang while another was writing down Yang's birth information.

"Her birth certificate should come to you by mail within a few weeks," one of them explained.

"That's fine," I said. "Are Raven and the baby doing okay?"

"There's some slight bleeding due to a first degree tear. But we'll stitch that up quickly. As for the baby, she's showing good vital signs. Congratulations, both of you," they said.

I held Yang as the paramedics got to work on stitching up Raven. Yang grabbed my finger tightly and closed her eyes.

"It's okay. Go to sleep, my sunny little dragon. Daddy will take care of you," I cooed at her.

The paramedics finished stitching up Raven and were quick to leave.

"Is she doing okay?" Raven asked me once they were gone.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes. She seems to be doing just fine. You did a great job."

She smiled a little. "You were there to help me. I don't know what I would've done without you."

I reached over and grabbed her hand. "I'll always be there for you Raven. Please know that."

She closed her eyes. "I know. Now if you don't mind... could you lay with me? I don't want to be alone."

"Of course, Raven. I'll be here for however long you need me," I told her.

She smiled and said, "Thank you. I appreciate it. Please take care of Yang too."

"Of course. I'll go put Yang in her bassinet real quick."

I got up and laid Yang in her bassinet, which was set next to the couch. She yawned a little before closing her eyes. I gazed over at Raven. She looked pretty tried, too. I took her hand gently and kissed her forehead as she smiled up at me.

I laid down next to her and held her close.
"Taiyang... I love you," she whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, Raven," I replied.

She smiled up at me and kissed my lips gently. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I guess we should call Qrow and Summer to tell them the news, shouldn't we?" she asked.

"I'll call and tell them. Go ahead and rest, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you," she said, closing her eyes.

I reached in my pocket to grab my scroll. After going through several contacts, I found Qrow's number and pressed it. After a few rings, I heard him on the other line.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hey Qrow," I said. "You're officially an uncle now."

After a brief moment of silence he said, "Are you serious? This better not be a prank. I've had some pretty bad luck here recently."

"This isn't a prank. She was just born about an hour ago."

"It's a girl? What did you end up naming her?"

"Yang," I replied.

"Ah. After her old man? I see what you did there. It's a nice name. I like it," he said.

"Thanks. What's going on with you? You said something about having some bad luck. Are you and Summer doing okay?"

"It's... a long story. Tell my sister that me and Summer will visit as soon as we can," he said.

"Will do. Take care of yourselves, okay?" I said, hanging up the call.

I gazed over at Raven. She was already asleep. Little Yang was resting in her bassinet. It looked like my family was finally coming together.

Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes (A Sequel to STRQ) [Book 2]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ