Chapter 51: Raven

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It was near sundown when I arrived at my tribe. Everyone was fighting and yelling at one another.  Vernal ran up to me.

"Raven!" she said, "I'm so happy you've returned! We could really use a leader. Everyone won't stop fighting!"

"All of you stop it right now!" I yelled.

Surprisingly, everyone fell silent and looked towards me.

"Good. Now that my grandfather has passed, someone needs to take his place. I will be taking the leadership role."

I didn't hear any objections, but someone spoke up.

"What about that new girl that just showed up? What do we do with her? She's not a tribe member," they said.

"What new girl? Bring her to me," I said.

A few men dragged a girl through the crowd. She had shoulder length blonde hair, fair skin, and wore a simple white sundress. I had never seen her before.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Aurora," the girl said, shaking.

"Very well. Aurora, get in my tent. Now," I told her.

She said nothing as she walked past me and into the main tent.

I followed after her. Once I was inside, she asked "When will you let me go? I just want to be free. Please?"

"No," I told her. "I want to know why you're here. There must be a reason, right?"

She said nothing and rose her left hand. Before I could ask what she was doing, she shot a ball of fire towards me. I managed to just miss it.

"How did you do that?" I demanded.

Aurora glared at me. "I am the spring maiden. And if you don't let me go, I'll do a lot worse."

I quickly backhanded her.
She screamed in pain and backed away from me.

"Don't you EVER talk like that to me again," I snapped at her.

"I... I'm sorry," she whispered.

I smiled. "That's a lot better. What is a maiden doing all the way out here?"

"I... I ran away," she told me. "I was scared about being a maiden. I still don't have my powers under control."

"Then I'll teach you. I can train you until you can use your powers effectively," I said.

"I... okay," she said.

"Good. We start in the morning. You better get your rest. There's a tent you can sleep in for now."

She said nothing as she walked out of my tent. Vernal poked her head in a few seconds later.

"What are you going to do with the new girl?" she asked.

"I'll try to train her myself," I said. "Can't be too hard, can it?"

Later that night I settled in bed and went to sleep. I was awake just as dawn was breaking. Aurora was waiting for me just outside the tent.

"I hope you're well rested. You start training today," I told her.

"I understand. Where do we start?"

We spent the morning training. But Aurora wasn't progressing at the pace I would've liked.

"Ugh... no no. Do that again. You're fighting stance is all wrong!" I snapped at her.

"I... I'm really sorry," she whispered.

I smacked the back of her head.
"Then stop! You're a maiden. And you're putting your abilities to waste! Try harder!" I yelled at her.

She said nothing as she began crying.

"I knew this would be useless. I suppose I have to choice. The strong live, while the weak die. And I'm afraid you've proven to be weak."

I drew my katana.

She back up quickly, but I caught her by the wrist.

"Oh no, I won't let you escape that easily."

I took my sword and sliced her throat swiftly. Blood gushed out as she made gurgling noises. The noises stopped a few minutes later.

And then I felt a wave of energy hit me. I was nearly knocked off my feet. This wave of energy felt... powerful. I lifted my hand and summoned a small flame. I watched as it danced on my palm. It looked like I was the new maiden.

"Men! Take the previous spring maiden and give her a burial," I said.

A few men from my tribe stepped forward and carried Aurora's body away.

"I am your new leader now," I told them. "With me as your new leader, our tribe will prove just how powerful and strong we are. The weak die. The strong live."

No one dared to say anything. They seemed almost afraid of me. I liked it.

"I'm going back into my tent. No one disturb me," I said, walking back inside.

I sat on my bed, deep in thought. If I had the spring maiden powers, then I could possibly get into the vault and find the relic. But what could a relic possibly do?

I sighed and laid back. The research could wait. I had a tribe I needed to lead. But there was someone who could research for me. 

"Vernal! Get in here," I yelled.

Seconds later, she walked inside my tent.
"Raven! Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine," I told her, "but I need you to do some research for me."

She nodded. "Of course. Just say the word."

"That girl was the spring maiden. I'd like you to do some research on where the vault of spring is. Once I know, I'm going to be moving everyone closer to that location. Understand?"

"I do. I'll get to work right away," she told me.

She then left the tent, leaving me alone.

I do hope she finds out something, I thought as I laid back down.

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