Chapter 7: Raven

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The next few weeks at the tribe went by without anything exciting happening. I had went on a few raids with some of my fellow tribe members, but other than that, I stayed at the main camp. Then I received a call from Ozpin.

I gritted my teeth when I saw the name and ID. Why the hell was Ozpin calling me?!

"What the hell do you want?" I answered.

"It's nice to hear from you again, Miss Branwen," I heard Ozpin reply.

"Sure it is. You didn't answer me. What do you want?"

"I need you to do a favor for me. I'll pay you well."

I sighed. It sounded tempting. And my tribe could use the money...
"...What is it?"

"It's nothing too complicated. I need you to do some... spying on Salem. I need to know what her next move is, and if she'll be going after Summer."

"I can do that," I said. "How much money will you pay me?"

Ozpin was silent for a moment.
"Does ten thousand Lien sounds good to you?"

I grinned. That was a big number.
"Sounds perfect. Have it delivered to me once I've completed this task."

"Will do. Thank you for your time, Miss Branwen."

I hung up and may have jumped for joy. We could make this money last for several months if we used it wisely. And all I had to do was eavesdrop on Salem, which didn't sound too hard. I felt my scroll vibrate and quickly took a look at the screen. Ozpin had sent me the location where Salem was located. Apparently it was at a dragon-shaped continent named Fafnir. I've been to a lot of locations, but I've never been there. The sooner I started this mission, the sooner I'd have that Lien. I walked into the tent to find my grandfather sharpening his tools.

"Do you need something, Raven?" he asked.

"Actually... yes. I'm going to be gone for a while. I can't exactly tell you where I'm going, but I can tell you that after I get back we'll be ten thousand Lien richer," I said, which a huge smile on my face.

My grandfather stared at me.
"This... sounds too good to be true. But we could use the money. How long are you leaving for?"

"I'm not sure. A few days at least. I'll try to return as soon as I can."

With that, I left the tent and transformed into my corvid form and flew off into the direction of Fafnir. I didn't know how long I flew that direction. But I noticed that the sky had darkened some after a while. I thought it was just the sun going down, but... it looked more ominous. I knew I had made it to my destination when the skies were a blood red and Grimm were crawling everywhere. This didn't look like any of the other places across Remnant. This is where the Grimm were originating from.

I saw Aleya walking with Tyrian towards an incredibly tall tower. I landed on a nearby tree branch and listened to their conversation.

"...So, how's that new tail?" Aleya asked.

Tyrian grinned his usual insane smile.
"Perfect. I'd like to see that bitch cut it off now. Summer Rose will never know what hit her."

Aleya laughed. "A metal stinger. That doctor is a genius."

Tyrian glanced at her. "What about you? Did you retrieve the relic at Beacon?"

I watched as Aleya's face fell.

"No... that stupid silver eyed girl and her team got in my way. I almost had it, dammit!"

"Our Queen won't be too happy with you. You better pray that she spares your life," he said.

"You think I'm scared of her? I'm not afraid of anything. Not even you," she snapped.

Tyrian just laughed his maniac laugh. "You should be. It's not like you can kill her."

Aleya glared at him. "What do you mean?"

Tyrian just laughed even harder.
"Our Queen is immortal. My savior will live... FOREVER!"

He continued to laughed wildly as he walked into the tower, with Aleya following behind him silently.

My mind was going a million miles an hour. Strangely enough, I couldn't hear my brother's thoughts. Perhaps this area was affecting our telepathy. Even if he did hear my thoughts...would he even believe me? This seemed like a bad dream. There was no way Salem could be immortal. As much as I wanted to learn more, my fear seemed to consume my mind. I wasn't sticking around this place one more minute. I had to leave. I didn't care about the Lien anymore. All I wanted to do now was run. I took off into the air and made a portal back to my tribe and landed near the main tent. I was shaking uncontrollably once I turned into my human form.

"How... wha...?"
I couldn't even speak I was so petrified. I needed something to help calm me. I made my way to my own personal tent and found what I was searching for. A full bottle of whiskey. If alcohol could help Qrow with his issues, I couldn't see why it wouldn't help me. I opened it and took a long swig. The bitter taste burned my throat, but I didn't mind it. I sat alone, trying to comprehend what I had just witnessed and heard. After severe more gulps of whiskey, I felt the alcohol taking effect.

I felt... good. Really good.

"Damn... no wonder Qrow drinks," I muttered to myself.

I gripped the bottle as I thought of Ozpin.
"That lying... bastard. I'm gonna... kick his ass," I slurred as I shakily stood to my feet. I took one last drink and threw the bottle on the ground, shattering it. I heard something fall from my pocket. It was that stupid photo Summer made us take. I picked it up and stared at Tai. He smiled at the camera and it seemed like he was smiling at me. He was cute and.. kind of hot. I grinned to myself.

"I think... I'll pay him a visit," I slurred, creating a portal to him.

"I hope you're ready to have some... fun," I said smiling.

Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes (A Sequel to STRQ) [Book 2]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя