Chapter 55: Raven

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"Raven! I'm back," Vernal said, poking her head into my tent.

"Already? You were only gone for a few days," I told her.

"Yes, well I've found some useful information about the headmaster. Information you could use to get to the relic."

I sat up. "Oh really? Like what?"

"Apparently, the headmaster of Haven Academy has done some pretty shady things. Things that could get him into some huge legal trouble if the authorities found out. I have a report right here," she said, handing me a packet of papers.

I took them. "Thank you."

I flipped through some of them and noticed something. Headmaster Lionheart withheld funds for the school and used them for personal things. Something that was illegal. I could either threaten him or blackmail him into letting me into the vault. But I needed to get to Mistral first.

I walked outside my tent and whistled loudly to get everyone's attention.

"I need everyone to break down camp and pack their things. We're moving to Mistral," I said.
Everyone soon got to work packing their things and tearing things down.

"Surely you all can pack faster than that," I said.

Everyone got to work quicker. And within a few hours, things were already packed and put away.

"Vernal and I will lead everyone to Mistral. Stay close to one another at all times. We won't stop and look for you should you go off the trail. Now come!"

Everyone followed us to the ferry. If we were going to get to Mistral, we would have to cross the ocean. Everyone boarded the ferry quietly and waited until we reached the harbor to get off.

"So... this is the kingdom of Mistral," I said.
Vernal nodded. "It is. I've only been here a few times, but I'm always struck how beautiful it is."

"It's not half bad," I told her. "Now if you excuse me, I have to speak with the headmaster privately. You all can start building our camp just outside the kingdom. I'll return to you as soon as I can."

I walked inside the school and walked down the corridor. I could hear teachers in their classrooms lecturing their students. Then I reached the door of headmaster Lionheart's office. I knocked a few times. After a brief moment, the door opened. Before me stood a man in his later thirties or early forties. He was a Faunus with a lion's tail.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact, you can. I need to get into the vault of the spring maiden."

Lionheart looked stunned.
"How... how do you know about the relic? And the maidens?"

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. I just need to get into the vault. Or do you want the authorities to find out what you've done?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "I... I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh really? Maybe this will ring a bell," I said, reaching into my bag and bringing out the papers.

Lionheart took a step back.
"How did you get a hold of those papers?!"

"I have my ways, Professor. Now... are you going to let me into the vault? Or would you rather have me tell the police of the school funds you kept for your own personal needs?" I asked.

Lionheart was quiet for a long time. Then he slowly took out his pocket watch and handed it to me.

"That opens the path to the vault below the school," he said. "But you can't enter the vault without the spring maiden. No one knows where she is. She ran off a few years ago. Supposedly, if you say the name 'Jinn', the relic will summon a spirit. This being is said to know everything."

I took the watch. "Thank you for your cooperation, Professor."

I quickly walked out of his office and made my way into the school. There was a statue that stood near the middle that looked a bit suspicious. I walked up closer to it and noticed a circular hole in the statue.

"That must be where the pocket watch goes," I whispered, placing the pocket watch inside.
The statue lowered into the ground, revealing a staircase.

My uneasiness increased the further down I went. I soon reached a massive golden door. There were huge trees that glowed orange and red leaves. It looked quite beautiful.

I walked up to the door and placed my hand on it. It was slightly warm to the touch. I quickly moved my hand away as soon as the door began to open. Once it had opened, There was a desert-like area before me. Along with a blue glowing lamp a few feet away.

I walked up to the lamp and took it in my hands. It too, was warm to the touch. Was there really a being in there? There was only one way to find out.

"Jinn," I said.

The lamp began to glow. Soon, it was glowing so brightly I had to shut my eyes.

"Greetings, mortal," a female voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a woman towering over me. She was completely blue except for the golden chains that hung around her waist.

"Um... hello," I said.

"My name is Jinn," she said, "a being created by the god of light to help humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I can answer up to three questions every one hundred years. And you're in luck. I am still able to answer three questions. So tell me, spring maiden... what is your question?"

I sighed and took a step forward.
"Jinn... could you tell me about the silver eyes?"

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