Chapter 66: Taiyang

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I was silent as I followed Qrow into the school. It was late at night, so the student had all gone to their dorms by now.

We walked inside the elevator and Qrow pressed through button for Ozpin's office.

"What do you think that was?" I asked.

Qrow shook his head. "I have no idea. It looked almost human. But fused with a Grimm. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was being controlled. Hopefully Oz can answer our questions."

I nodded. "Yeah, me too."

I followed Qrow to Ozpin's door and Qrow knocked a few times.

"Hey, Oz? It's Qrow," he said. "Can we talk for a few minutes?"

I heard Ozpin's voice from the other side of the door.
"Of course," he said, "please come in."

Qrow opened the door and I followed him inside. Ozpin stood from his desk, smiling at us.

"Good evening, gentlemen. How did the mission go?"

Qrow stared at him, but didn't smile back.
"It didn't go as to plan, and Tai got a little hurt. But he should be okay. Actually, we had some questions for you."

"Is that so?" Ozpin asked. "What questions do you have for me?"

This time I stepped forward to speak.
"The Grimm we fought. It didn't look right," I said. "It looked almost like a human, but Grimm-like. We were wondering what type of Grimm it was."

Ozpin's simile faded instantly. He didn't speak for what seemed like a very long time.
"I feared this day would come," he whispered.

Qrow and I looked at each other.

"What do you mean, sir?" I asked.

Ozpin ran his hand through his greying hair.
"The day I would tell you about the most forbidden type of magic. Blood Magic."

"What's Blood Magic exactly? Did it have to do with that human-like Grimm we fought?" Qrow asked.

Ozpin nodded. "Yes. Salem can use Blood Magic to... fuse humans with Grimm. I believe that's what you witnessed on your mission. Blood Magic is incredibly powerful, but it can also be very dangerous. That's why it was outlawed a long time ago."

"Wait wait. Salem can actually fuse humans and Grimm together? That's madness!" I said.

Ozpin sighed. "I'm just relieved to see you both in one piece. The Grimm Salem can summon with Blood Magic are more powerful than regular Grimm. So please do be careful."

Qrow nodded. "We will, sir. Is there any other Grimm we need to take care of?"

"No. The surrounding areas are clear the last time I checked. You two are free to go."

Qrow and I said nothing as we walked inside the elevator. Once we were outside I turned to Qrow.

"Blood Magic... what do you make of it?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "To be honest, I'm not too sure. All we know is that Salem uses it. And she can fuse humans with Grimm. We should watch our backs."

I nodded. "Agreed. Let me know when you're going on a mission again. Despite getting hurt, I actually liked fighting together. It reminds me of our STRQ days, you know?"

Qrow smiled and laughed. "Yeah. It kinda does. I'll let you know when I'm setting out again."

"Good deal. I'll see you soon," I told him.

He nodded. "Likewise, friend."

He then turned into his corvid form and flew off into the distance. I was silent as I watched him go. I made my way back to the daycare to pick up both Yang and Ruby. After I got home, I fixed Yang some dinner and a bottle to feed Ruby. After rocking Ruby to sleep, I placed her gently into the bassinet.

"Daddy! I'm finished!" I heard Yang yell from the kitchen.

"Coming sweetheart," I said, getting to my feet.

"Was it good?" I asked her, when I walked inside the kitchen.

She had ketchup all over her face from the hot dog she ate.
"Yeah!" she said.

I couldn't help but smile as I wiped away the mess from her face.
"Okay. Time to get ready for bed," I told her.

She pouted. "I don't wanna go to bed! I wanna play!"

"Yang," I told her, "it's too late to play now. We can play tomorrow."

"No!" she shouted.

Her shouting woke up Ruby, and I heard her begin to cry from the other room.

"You just woke up your sister," I snapped at her. "You go to bed this instant, young lady! Or you'll be in trouble!"

Yang pouted. "No!"

I scooped her up in my arms and she began wriggling around to get free. But I held on tight.

"No! I don't wanna go to bed!" she wailed.

I sighed. Tonight was going to be a long night.

Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes (A Sequel to STRQ) [Book 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن