Hunger, Hatred, Tears

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Adam ran back to the playground, panting as he got there. He ran from the moment he was out of sight from the woman who pointed him out all the down to his playground. He wouldn't be caught by Child Protective Services, not now, not ever. Not when he'd be coming out over and over until he turned eighteen.

Atleast something about his secluded, little playground was nice. It seemed like nobody could find him here, like he was safe. He figured he could hide here forever if he wanted, and no one would ever notice.

He took a few deep breaths as he sat down on one of the three swings, setting his backpack down by his feet. Adam then felt his stomach growl. That was right. He hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. Well, crap. He'd packed a few granola bars into his bag when he left, but that was all he had. "Dammit" Adam muttered over his stomach grumbling again.

This was going to be a long five years. Especially without food. What was he supposed to do? Steal? Well, he could try shoplifting from drug store or gas station, but if he got caught he'd have nowhere to go. If he begged he'd be shipped off to foster care for being homeless.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit," He yelled into the sky, getting up from the swing set and starting to pace, "Fuck this. Fuck Mom. Fuck my god damn brain for being dysphoric as shit." Adam sunk down onto the mulch, fighting off the tears forming in his eyes. "Fuck me for deciding coming out was going to be fine." he sighed, "I can't fucking live like this."

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