Panic Attacks and Pistachio Ice cream

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Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I was in the car with the Twenty One Pilots. What?! Did they... like me? Maybe, but what were the chances of that. It was probably some publicity thing to make them look better, kind of like in that movie Annie except they wont want to keep me in the end.

Josh turned around to find me a panicking wreck, "Adam, what's up? Are you OK?" With a shake of my head and the quickening of my breathing, he tapped Tyler and we were pulled over in a few seconds. Josh got out and opened the door on my far right. He scooted in next to me, turning to face me, "Adam, we're going to take a few deep breaths, OK. Breathe with me, Kiddo."

I tried to calm myself. Damn my fucking panic disorder. Now I was making a god damn fool of myself. Josh didnt seem to mind though, taking my ever worsening panic in stride. He put a light hand on my shoulder, trying to bring me back from my racing thoughts. "Hey, look at me. You're safe here. We won't hurt you, It's OK."

I try to nod, looking up at him, knowing that my eyes showed just how panicky I was. I didnt think as I leaned into his chest. Fuck, my anxiety attacks aren't normally this bad. Why should they get to see my worst side so quickly? How was that fair?

Taking a few deep breaths, I calmed down a bit. Josh wrapped his arms around me, and I try to match my breathing to his calm, slow breathing. Slowly but surely, it works until I'm just crying into Josh's shoulder as he rubs my back.

"I'm sorry," I mumble into his shoulder, "You're probably going to send me back now, aren't you."

Tyler, who I had practically forgotten about, sighed, "Absolutely not. Adam, you didn't have control over that." I look up at his sniffling my face lighting up a bit, "Anyway, Josh and I both get it. We've both got some sort of panic disorders. Dont worry you're little head over it. How about we go get some ice cream?"

And just like that, we were back on the road and heading out to town.


Tyler parked the car, and we all headed into the ice cream shop. The three of us went up to the counter, ordering our ice cream flavours in cups. I got a nice Pistachio, Tyler got Rocky Road, and Josh got Chocolate Peanut Butter. We waited a few minutes, and soon enough we were stuffed into a booth and eating.

"So, what's your deal? Why are y'all looking for a kid?" I ask, not minding my mouth out of curiosity.

Tyler and Josh both look at eachother and laugh a tad, I could've sworn I saw them both blush, too. "Well..." Tyler hesitated before nudging Josh, "You tell him. You're the one who proposed."

Proposed..? Ahh, so they were engaged. That's cute! Band goals.

Josh smiled and laughed, the corners of his lips tilting up and his face flushing as he looked at his fiance, "Well, we've been waiting until we finished touring to finally tie the knot, but the both of us agreed that we wanted a kid sooner than later. We didn't want a baby since that wouldn't work for touring, so we were looking a teen that could take care of themself.

"And well, as  for choosing you, we stopped at a few other orphanages on our way around the country, and most of the teens are oddly bratty..? I guess that's a good word for it. But, we've always stopped to talk to the kid who sits in the corner, the one who feels like they have no chance of being saved from the system. Y'know? Well, we like you, Adam, you seem chill and like you need a chance to regain hope in humanity."

I didn't realize that I'd stopped eating or that I had tears in my eyes, but what Josh had just said, it hit a heartstring. They care. They really, actually cared. And about me of all people. I... I could have a home with parents who love me, and... and people who care about me. That hadn't happened in years.

"...Thank you" I stammered, my lip quivering, "I-I don't know what to say."

Tyler smiled, grabbing my hand from across the table, "Adam, would you like to be our son?"

"Y...Yes, please." I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie, giving Tyler's hand a squeeze. Looking over at Josh, I see him smile wide, along with his fiance.

Wow. Just wow.

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