Breakfast and Bad Boys

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Well, breakfast was fine. I stayed silent while I helped cook and while we all ate. The little ones talked and chatted, the teenagers whispered back and forth, giggling every so often, and then there was me, sitting and pushing my eggs back and forth on my plate. I just didnt have any friends here. Not with Maddie and Lina lurking around, telling everyone that would listen that I was a girl.

With that thought, I looked over to Leo and pushed my plate away, wordlessly saying that I was done with my meal. Leo nodded at me, and that was all it took for me to run off to my room to hide.

If there was one thing I hated more than Maddie and Lina or my crippling dysphoria, it was Open House Day, and today was Open House Day. Where families could come admire orphans like a child would at a zoo. Where families would try to find sweetest little girl or boy to meet and hopefully take home. Where families ignore teenagers like me who look like too much trouble to be worth adopting.

That is why I hate it. Families never want me. So I just hide in my room until the day is over or until Leo found me and drags me off to meet a nice couple that would take me off her hands.


Well, Leo found me early. She made me shower and told me to atleast try to look better than I usually do, but that just means the same dark jeans, black hoodie, beanie and converses. Nothing changes and it certainly doesn't matter, so why should I care if someone thinks I'm an outcast.

I was dragged downstairs where I sat and watched as couples made their rounds. A few even stopped to talk to me, asking theirusual questions.

"What's your name?"


"How old are you?"


"How would you describe yourself?"

Are you fucking stupid?

They're always the same. Always ignoring me, always choosing anyone else but me. But today was different, I could feel it as soon as I saw a pair of men with shaved heads walked through the door.

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