Can't Get Caught

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Adam woke up the next morning dazed and confused. He looked around him, and the memories from yesterday flooded back to him. The coming out, the being yelled at, the packing, the leaving. All his worst fears came true, and now he wasn't sure what to do with himself.

He knew that a friends house could be viable, but they'd want to know why he was kicked out and Adam just couldn't go through it again. Plus, he didn't know if any of his friend's had enough space for him to stay indefinitely.

Ugh, what to do? He couldn't think straight. How was a thirteen year old supposed to know what to do on the streets? Adam sighed, blinking back the tears that he'd been avoiding since yesterday. He had to be strong in he was going to survive out here, so crying was out of the picture.

Adam looked around at his surroundings. There were trees on three sides of the small park, with pathes out into the woods. The open side led to the main road, a sidewalk and metal barrier separating the road from the playground area. It was secluded plus not many people visited, so it would be perfect until he ran out of money or food.

Today, though, he decided that he would walk into town to quell his boredom. There was a plus! He could do whatever he wanted now.


Into town he went, carrying his overflowing backpack. Adam knew that he must seem odd, as people were giving him weird looks. He actually heard one woman say, "What's that little girl need all that stuff for? Is she homeless or something?"

Adam put his head down, hiding his scowl. Why couldn't people see him as the boy he was?

But there was another problem. He looked homeless. Someone could call CPS, and he wasnt too keen on being shipped off to some new town and family, not if he'd have to come out again. So he quickened his pace, taking the long way back to his secluded little playground. No one was going to ship him off somewhere he didnt want to go.

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