Crocodiles don't have arms.

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Olivia’s flashback was broken when she heard herself bellowing laughter.

Noel lifted her head up at Olivia as they walked along the beach. “What’s so funny?”

Olivia just continued looking on. “Oh nothing. I was just remembering the time my brother tried to be an adult.”

“Adult? Like a grown up?”

“Yeah. I get a kick out of it. He thinks he’s so much more mature than me.”

“Why? Aren’t you an adult?” Noel asked.

Well that wasn’t something you’re asked everyday. “Me? Oh no! Well… You could say that I am a really, really, REALLY young adult.”

“A young one?”

“Yeah. REALLY young. Emphasis on really. My brother Adam is an adult. Well, Adam just became an adult last year, so he could be considered a young adult, but that means I’m just a kid, and you’d be a… Ok now I’m really confused.” 

“How old’s Adam?”

“Twenty one.”

“And how old are you?”


“Well, what’s the difference?”

“I’m not responsible enough and mature enough to support myself.”

“Support yourself?”

“Yeah. Like how I can’t hold a job, drive a car- wait a minute!” Olivia giggled. “I was born in Canada! I could do all those things if I wanted to at age fourteen!”

“So you’re an adult in Canada?”

“Well, no, because when you’re an adult, you can get married, survive on you’re own, maybe take care of children, and… Wow, I am an adult.” Olivia said.

“See? Told ya.”

“Now wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a doggone minute!!” Olivia cupped her hand over Noel’s mouth as she tried to think of a better way to approach explaining.

“Et ge a me.” Noel said, muffed.

“Oh I’m sorry? What was that? I can’t hear you over my majesticness.”

Noel bit her hand.

“Ok ok!!” Olivia snapped her hand back.

“You were saying?” Noel said.

“Right!” Olivia said, slightly disoriented. “What were we saying?” 

“That you-“

“Oh right!” Olivia took in a deep breath. “Noel, for Pete’s sake! One does not have a choice in marriage or survival here in Africa. In ‘Murica, you get a bloody choice in the matter!”

“You’re taking care of a child though, and that child being me. You have free will there. Face it, you all grown up, yo.”

“Well, yeah, I take care of you, but you were already surviving on your own. You weren’t totally helpless. You can talk, you can run, and you knew what it took to survive in the brick camp. It’s not like you’re a-“

Olivia’s ears were suddenly shattered.

Further up the beach, about one hundred yards ahead, both girls saw something lying on the beach.

“What the-“

The sound broke Olivia’s heart.

“What is it-“

“Run!!” Olivia yanked Noel’s hand and sprinted down the beach.


“I said RUN!!!!” There was no time to explain. Because what Noel hadn’t seen was that further down the beach, the source of the sound was attracting unwanted attention. 

The heads that had been floating on the water at a safe distance away had suddenly ducked under.

It was a race against the crocs.

Olivia realized there wasn’t going to be enough time at this rate. She released Noel’s hand, ignored the the spiking pain in her foot, and went into total live or die mode.

The world zoned out around Olivia. Nothing else mattered at that moment.


The wailing echoed in her ears.

Olivia refused to loose this race.

Her heart nearly bursted from her chest. Rivers of sweat poured from her face. 

And the adrenaline hadn’t even kicked in yet. 

Only fifteen feet away, Olivia’s eyes widened as a crocodile sped out of the water, and onto the beach, only yards from the wrapping of torn cloth.

Her feet pounded the ground.

Five feet away.

The massive monster was seconds from reigning champion.

It snarled in almost a gloat. Only seconds from its next meal.

All hope seemed lost.

But crocodiles don’t have arms.

Olivia did not slow down, but instead swooped down, and scooped up the tiny infant, the croc’s jaws two feet from her ankles. Within moments, his prey was long gone.

Olivia had won this game.

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