Wasn't what she thought it was.

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Olivia panicked in the back of the truck. When she was awoken to the thud of the truck driving over a large rock.

She was going to attempt to jump off the side, in hopes of her escape. She didn't know what the man was going to do with her, but she knew it couldn't be good.

When she started trying to stand up, the man literally slammed the brakes. She flew back, hitting her back to the back window of the truck.

"Owe." She groaned. The man opened the car door and walked around to the back.

He climbed into the load and stepped over the guns, and towered over Olivia.

"Madam?" He politely reached out his hand for her to take.

Olivia groaned as he helped her balance.

"I apologize for slamming so hard, but if you had jumped out of the truck, you would have broken both your legs."

He sighed.

"I know this. I was once in your position."

He jumped out of the load, and helped Olivia down.

"It just so happens that we have arrived to our destination."


In the distance, Olivia saw smoke rising into the sky. When she squinted, she made out tiny mounds of grass, with poles mounted around them.

After five minutes of walking(limping for Olivia)off the road, she realized that it wasn't what she had thought it was.

It was a village.

Mum(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) (Sequel to Sis and Bro)Where stories live. Discover now