I'll tell you.

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All through the night, Olivia told the children tales of how she had had no parents, but found a new family. Her brother, and the rest of Team Crafted. She told them of her adventure being thrown off a great water fall.

She told the children of her love, and described to them how she had arrived to their village. They all felt a great sadness for Olivia.

"What's snow?" The older boy in the back asked.

"Well..." Olivia put her finger to her lip in thought. "It's white, and soft." She tried to stay as simple as possible for the young children.

The younger girl tapped Olivia's wrist again.


Olivia laughed inside, but she could see the seriousness in the girl's eyes.

She was right.

"Yes." Was all Olivia said.


The next day, Olivia woke up in the grass hut, finding 20 pairs of eyes on her.

"Hello." Olivia sheepishly said, still half asleep.


That night, it was as it was last night. Only, there wasn't any silence while they ate.

Olivia was telling more stories.

"..And then I said, 'darn you Jordan!'." The children giggled.

"What Minecraft?"

Olivia face palmed. Why on Earth had she brought up such a ridiculous and random subject? The children would only be even more confused.

"Oh, it's nothing." Olivia rubbed the back of her neck.

"Tell." The younger girl said angrily.

"Well, it's..." Olivia got an idea.

"It's a land where your dreams come true." She wasn't going to get into the details of the computers and heck. I mean, these kids had never even turned on a light switch before!

"Dreams come true?" The young girl whispered.

Olivia smiled.

"You can be who ever you wanna be. Do what ever you wanna do." The children seemed happy with that answer, and no one said anything more until the oldest, skinniest child piped up.

"Tell us more of this 'Minecraft'." He put his hands on his hips.

"Oh great." Olivia thought. It would be the weirdest thing to bring up video games in the middle of Africa, now wouldn't it.

But a light bulb went over Olivia's head.

"Alright. I'll tell you."

Mum(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) (Sequel to Sis and Bro)Where stories live. Discover now