You have been chosen.

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"What?" Olivia whispered in fear, knowing that her friend knew no more then her.

They both jumped to their feet, and ran to the other side of the field to meet the others.

Olivia gasped at what she saw.

Marching side by side, was a group of men, painted with red and white markings all over them, covered in raged, torn clothing covering their bottom halves.

They were true Africans.

Tribal Africans.

Olivia had only seen them in the movies.

But the movies didn't really give them justice.

They looked much mightier.

They looked much stronger.

They looked much more powerful.

She had never seen anything like it.

And they were headed straight towards their village.

By the way the way the children around her were hiding in the tall grass, she knew their arrival was not a good thing.

She told the children to stay hidden, she ran ahead of the marching column, trying to get to the village first to warn them of the coming danger.

"There's people coming!" She said in a raspy yell at the door step of the old woman, painting.

"What do you mean?" She helped her inside, and sat her down on the mat.

"Tribal people! With red and white markings!"

The woman's eyes began to fill with tears in terror. And before she could say another word, she bolted out the door.

Olivia herd much shouting in their language she could not understand.

When a shrill from a small girl came from the outside, she knew at that instance that the tribal people had come.

She herd conversation between two men, with deep bass voices.

Though they were not yelling at each other, they were not happy.

As curiosity kills the cat, Olivia could no longer hide in the grass hut.

She peeped her head out of the door, and looked in the direction of the voices.

Their stood the old man she knew as the chief of the village. He stood at the front of the Tribals. Beside him stood the old woman she knew and loved, fighting tears in her eyes.

There standing directly in front of him, nearly towering over him, was the oldest, and strongest looking warrior of them all.

Beside the head warrior stood a boy. Strong and tall, covered in almost as much power as the head warrior himself. He appeared to be 17 or 18.

To her utter shock, the boy saw someone staring at him out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head to looked straight into her eyes.

They seemed to swallow her.

He said something to the head warrior beside him, and pointed his arm out in the direction of Olivia.

The old woman and the old man spun around, looking to see who he pointed to.

The old woman burst into tears, and ran to Olivia in the hut.

She hugged her, and cried on her shoulder.

"You have been chosen." She wept.

Mum(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) (Sequel to Sis and Bro)Where stories live. Discover now