Now we're in Minecraft.

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Olivia did not tell them about gaming.

Olivia did not tell them about Notch.

Olivia did not tell them YouTube.

Olivia only took the oportunity to tells more stories.

"Once, my brother and I visited Minecraft. We went with our friend Ty. We pretended to be each other, and played games. I dressed as my brother, and talked in a REALLY GIRLY VOICE LIKE THIS." That last part, Olivia talked in the highest pitch her lernics could make. The girls around her giggled.

"Our friend got really confused, and didn't know who was who. When my brother insulted him, lets just say he got really mad." She giggled.

"And there was this one time where we..." Olivia told them of every single video she had ever done. She remembered each of them by heart.

After so many nights, though, she soon went through every video. Three hundred and seventy four amazing adventures with her only brother.

What would she tell the children now?

She was going to have to remember. What other stoires had she been in?

She new that famine as only a month away. She would lose many of the girls and boys to starvation and diesease.

She had to keep telling stories. She had to keep their spirts up.

She was gonna have to become a story diva.

Because the stories you can never live are some ofthe best ones you can tell.

"...Adam and I were trapped by the squids. The cage was made of iron. We had no way to escape!" The chilren leanded in as much as they possibly could.

"But then my friend Endy came out of no where! HE grabbed our hands and teleported us to safety!"

Everyone cheered. They seemed to love these stories the most. Things they could have never possibly imagained before.

One girl frowned, though.

"What is the matter, child?" Olivia asked.

"Well..." She looked away. "Can we come to Minecraft?"

Olivia was about to brake the news to them, but she stopped herself in the nick of time.

Because it would have been a lie.

They can.

"Of course you can." Olivia smiled warmly.

She told the children to close their eyes.

"Now, imagian you are in this magical world. Yes that's it." She smiled, and closed her eyes with them.

"Now we are all in Minecraft."

Mum(SkyDoesMinecraft Fan Fic ;) (Sequel to Sis and Bro)Where stories live. Discover now