6|🛬The airport🛬

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I quickly run out of the plane and I enter in the airport. Millions of lights make my eyes hurt as they became used to the dark corridors of the plane.

It is like watching a video in slow-motion. Everywhere people are talking at their phones, planning their day, calling family and friends. It seems as though the airport is dark. But not because of the brightness because there is a lot of light entering through the windows which surrounded the airport. There isn't joy in the air. And the joy is taken away from the electronic devices. Literally every person in the airport has a computer or smartphone.

I head to the exit. I have to find out what happened! Why I am in London. I get closer to a guy who seems to have a sense of orientation or at least he knows where we are. "Excuse me? Do you know where we are?" His head turnes and I recognize his brown lucent hair and his deep blue eyes. No way! He is the guy I have met at the California's airport! What should I do? Tell him we've met before? Does he know? "What do you mean where are we? We're in London!" his hair move of one millimeter but it seems I'm the only one to realize.

Wait, what am I doing?! I have to stay focused! This is a serious problem! I have to go to New York not to London! What is my college going to say? Is it going to search me?

"Hello?" says the tall guy shaking his hand in front of my eyes. "Were are we?" I repeat and every word which comes out of my mouth seems to making me faint. "We're in London". "Where are we??". "Is this some kind of joke-" he says and these are the last words I hear before I realize my body is laying on the cold floor of London's airport.

A few minutes later

"Someone call an ambulance!!" "A girl has fainted!" "She seems dead" "I don't think she is feeling very well" "She seems asleep" "Hurry! Come and see!" "Someone help!" "Someone call 911". "Is she breathing?" "Hurry" "She's waking up!" "She's opening her eyes!"

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