Shooting Stars {Roadhog x Anxiety!Reader}

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Ever since you were younger you had never really fit in anywhere; of course, you had a family and friends but you had never really fit in with a certain group. You had always been more quiet, more reserved, every time the horns of the reckoning sounded out and the crowd started to cheer you would always hide next to your parents, holding onto them tightly and closing your eyes. 

However, it wasn't all that bad. You had friends, Jamie and Mako, the two of them bringing you unimaginable comfort between Jamison's crazy ways of distraction and Mako's soft, wordless comfort, you three were some of the best junkers (and thieves) around. That was, until the Junker Queen found out you were all stealing from her stash, and you were outcast from Junker Town. The Queen was known to mostly be merciful and gracious, so to have her this angry made you extremely anxious. In a day you had lost your home and everything precious to you, stuck with only your friends as comfort. 

As much as it was nice to have your best friends with you, with each heist you got worse and worse, and with the loot you had acquired you were one of the most wanted criminals in the world. You knew you wouldn't get caught, that nothing would happen and you would be safe with them and yet, every night after bed, you would stay up to watch the stars, a heavy feeling in your heart as you missed home. You missed your family, your old bed, the security you felt in the town. All of that was gone while on the run. 

But tonight it was different, your chest felt heavier than ever, your hand gripping onto your clothes as your chest seemed to stutter with every breath. Your eyes hazy and unfocussed as you watched the stars tonight, however, it felt as if there were less than before, less than last night and the night before... The stars seemed to be disappearing, they couldn't leave you, everything else had left you, you couldn't lose them too... As you sat there you felt yourself start to spiral, your breathing becoming deeper and less frequent, almost wheezing. 

Why couldn't you breathe? You couldn't focus, your body starting to tremble as your eyes hazed and teared up, the small tears slowly falling down your cheeks as you watched the sky quietly. God, why couldn't you breathe? Why couldn't you focus? What was wrong with you? However, before you could even react, someone sat next to you almost silently, the only sound between you both being the heavy sobs and the heavy footsteps that stopped as the figure finally settled. 

As you looked up at the person who joined you, you felt a large arm wrap around your shoulders, pulling you close into his side. No words were exchanged for the moment as you cuddled into the side of Mako, his breathing starting to calm your own as you stole some of his warmth due to the cold air. You closed your eyes slightly as you listened to nothing but him. He was so comfortable, so warm, so safe... 

"It's alright..." he huffed, his gruff voice trying to comfort you. He had always been a man of little words, however, you were fine with that. Little words were better than none, and you knew that you much preferred it this way, you wouldn't have been able to comprehend so much as a few more words if they were uttered towards you. As you sat there in comfortable silence you found yourself starting to unwind, starting to let the sobs leave your body as you curled up a little tighter, hiding your face into your friend's side. 

"I'm sorry..." you managed to meekly whisper out, your voice barely coming out above a whisper. "I just miss home so much, I miss my parents, I miss the town, I miss the Queen. I miss being safe and I just... It's not fair! It's so scary and loud out here and we're always on the run and- what if the Queen doesn't accept our offer? What if she casts us out again?"

Your mind ran wild as you sobbed heavily into Mako's side, the other just letting out a heavy sigh as he turned to look at you gently, with a sort of kindness, though it was hard to tell from under his mask he refused to take off. 

"(Y/N)..." he started, his voice quiet, like he didn't want to scare you any more than you already were. It was almost comforting. "No matter what happens... You'll still have us." It was a simple sentence, and yet it managed to speak volumes as you started to straighten up slightly, your trembling figure sitting comfortably in his embrace. 

"This wasn't how we all wanted to end up but that's okay... We all have each other, that isn't going to change," he reassured you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder as he held you. 

"But what if one day you get caught or Jamie gets caught? I can't do this alone! I can't go back to the Queen without you both! She'd have my head..." you countered, your eyes trained on the floor as you thought about that future, however, you were quickly pulled out of it by Mako shifting, starting to look you in the eyes (from what you could guess past his mask). 

"That won't happen," he huffed out, shaking his head slowly. "You think too much." That observation made you chuckle slightly, a small smile gracing your lips as you both settled back down, looking back up to the stars. "Yeah, maybe I do..."

And for the first time in forever, there was clear skies... 

There were twice as many stars as before. 

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