Love of my Life {Gency Pt. 2}

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It was the day...
The day Angela was most nervous about.
Her dress hugged her body and baby bump as she fiddled with the ski4t and looked in the mirror. She was sat down as Ana and Fareeha curled her hair. Hana in her short dress on the bed with Mei straightening and trying to maintain her messy hair as she had just woken up, but in traditional Hana style, she was already playing videogames. A basket of petals was stationed next to the youngest, ready for use. Next to it sat Lena, her hair being gelled down in a messy fashion but it looked neat nonetheless.

Mei and Lena were excitedly talking with Hana telling them to both shut up at random intervals. She couldn't hear her game properly even though she was playing Tetris, (because it was as old as Angela apparently.) The hotel room was a soft cream colour, the bedsheets accented with grey patterns and the frame of the bed a popping oak. The sun tried to creep it's way through the curtains but failing to do so. Emily was still asleep in the other room, arriving late the night before with Lena from London. Brigitte walked through the door carrying boxes of bridesmaid dresses and shoes.

All of the girls swarmed to her except for Ana, who was already wearing her dress. It was a modest light blue with a feather accentuating the strap on the right side. Her hair was in a near beehive styled look with hair over her eyepatch slightly. The girls came back with their dress and shoes except for Lena, who came in a few minutes later carrying a tired Emily. Her eyes only opening a few moments later. The room was starting to get rowdy as they got excited, but the event was only a few hours away.

Angela stood up as Ana started buttoning up the lace back, tying the rib on tighter around her waist as she skirt trailed down. She slowly put her shoes on and smiled softly. She felt a tear fall down her cheek and sighed. "I can't believe this is really happening..." Ana took a tissue out and wiped her tears away. "Don't worry. This is a happy day, you'll finally be together. It'll be fine." Angela smiled and giggled while she heard a crash in the background, followed by a loud groan.

They all turned to look at Lena, who was being helped up by Emily, pulling her over as well. Lena tried to get up, her heels making her knees buckle as she tried to stand in them. She picked Emily up and she giggled, kissing her cheek. It was obvious that Lena didn't know how to function in heels. She walked a few steps before sitting down quickly and groaning. "These heels are going to be the death of me I bloody swear." Emily giggled and patted her back. "Youll be fine Lena. Don't worry about it." She kissed her cheek again before looking to the window.

"I think the Limo's here." She smiled and stood up. "I think we all look beautiful, especially Angela. So we need to go quickly." Everybody walked out of the room as Ana gave Angela her bouquet of flowers and patted her back. The blonde girl sighed and walked out, sitting in the limo with all of them. During the ride, Hana kept feeling her stomach to make sure the baby was comfortable, after a few minutes she would stop and then continue to do it over the course of the journey. As soon as they got to the church they hurried Angela to a side room.

A few moments later there was a knock on the door, followed by a gruff and deep voice. "It's me. Jack. I'm here to talk to Angela about the service." After a bit of pursuading he was let in and he smiled softly. "Angela you look beautiful. Genji is lucky to have you."

"Thank you Jack." Angela smiled back and walked to him, hugging him softly. Before anything else was said Hana interrupted. "I'm sorry but why is he in here with us? No one's supposed to see you."

"Easy answer really. He's giving me away." The whole room went silent before cheering and crowding around the two. After a while McCree knocked on the door, signalling they were ready to start the ceremony. Angela took Jack's arm and lined up, pulling her veil in front of her face. They heard the organ start to play. Her nerves made her grip onto Jack tighter as the bridesmaids walked down, spreading petals before she started to walk herself. The whole of Overwatch was here to see the ceremony, as well as close friends and family to agents.

As they got to the altar, Jack stepped away and her nerves got to her, making butterflies errupt in her stomach. There he was. She was face to face with Genji, the man she was going to marry. He slowly drew the veil back from her face, making her blush softly. Her smile brightly shining as he muttered three words. "You look beautiful."

She gave her bouquet to Mei as she held his hands, then the ceremony started. It was sweet and short, Reinhardt shedding a few tears. Hanzo had decided to attend, but put of the corner of her eye she could see him crying too. She giggled softly to herself at the sight before exchanging vows. "Genji Shimada. I've known you since I saved you from death and I had never felt more of a connection with anyone else, so I know you will be mine. I promise to cherish you and savour your smile till my dying breath and forever more." She started crying, 'aww's being heard from the crowd as she continued. "I promise to love you until I can no longer roam this Earth."

Genji wiped her eyes and kissed her forehead before speaking up for himself. "Angela Ziegler, when I got injured I never expected to wake up to an Angel on Earth, I never expected to be here with you and our child now. I promise to never stop loving you and looking after you for as long as I live." He turned his head to look at the priest and smiled, exchanging rings with one another. "It gives me great pleasure to pronounce you Mr and Mrs Shimada. You may kiss the bride."

And they did.

{To Be Continued...}

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