A Better Place {Symmbra}

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It was a mess.

The whole world seemed to stop for little Olivia Colomar. One by one, everything disappeared from her sight, reach, touch... Her whole world crumbled apart. Her mind was a fortress used for reassuring herself that everything was ok when it really wasn't. But it started to deteriorate after years of overuse. Every single living moment it would crumble piece by piece, letting demons into her mind. On the outside, everyone would think she was perfectly normal like nothing could ever be better.  But on the inside, her heart and brain doubted and criticised every single step she took.

If people would blame her for losing, she would blame herself too. She didn't know what else to do. She had spotted another woman on the other team, in Olivia's eyes she was beautiful. It was nearing the loneliest time of year for her. Valentine's day. She had asked everyone if they had plans and they just pushed her away like another emotionless clone. But she wasn't at all like that. She decided to go where her legs took her which happened to be the local arcade, where gamers and normal people actually fit in together instead of being separated into groups.

She always carried her gun with her just in case she was noticed, but she doubted it. She walked straight through the arcade to a small game in the back corner, broken down and lagging but still good. She loved this game. It was out of order for a while, but she didn't care. It had a certain disturbing nature but that's what made it good. The 'Save Them' game was about giving life, but it was a bit morbid for a children's game. As she was in thought she did not realise the stranger walking up behind her.

"Excuse me, but are you ok? You are staring at that game." Symmetra put a delicate hand on Sombra's shoulder, which made her jump. "I-I'm fine... Just thinking about stuff...." Sombra smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly before Symmetra smiled softly. "It's fine my friend, do you have a date for valentines day?" The girl shook her head softly, she sighed and looked at the girl. "I don't have much time to date and stuff... So I'm all alone every year." Symmetra put a hand over her heart and looked sympathetically at the girl. She was not one for emotions, but she hated seeing people alone on holidays like this.

"From now on, why don't we stick together on holidays like this. It would be fun to have a friend around." She said softly, looking into the hacker's violet eyes and smiling almost secretly to the girl before her. She nodded softly and smiled. "From now on, we meet up here every year to spend the day together." They both nodded in agreement before smirking at each other. Of course, the hacker cheated at every game she played on that day. But it didn't matter.

They had fun.

~A few years later~

It was a complete war zone. The whole city was abandoned, except for a few people. Overwatch, and Talon. It was loud, to say the least, as bombs and guns sounded out over the screams of desperate agents slowly silenced by the sweet release of death. She hated it. She absolutely hated it... She ran through the battlefield, turning sharp corners and ducking under rubble to get away from the man approaching her. Jack Morrison. 'This is where it ends,' she thought to herself. 'I've dug myself too deep to get out.'

She turned the corner and ran straight into the building she had once felt safe in, now wrecked and abandoned. The carpet that ran through the span of the floor was sprayed with blood, corpses littered near and leaning against the machines; which were broken and ransacked. It was every man for themselves in war, but she didn't realise how low people would've gone to survive in this world. Sure, she was one of them. But she had been taken in as a small, vulnerable, easily manipulated girl. She didn't know how or why she fell for it.

As soon as her thoughts came, they went. Like a sick carousel of thoughts that went on a neverending spiral down to the ground. There was no end, no one will remember these moments. No one will remember your name. You would only go down as another soldier that never had a family and was brainwashed into becoming something their not... That's when she heard it, a deafening shot and the sound of ripping flesh. The bullet went straight through before another bullet swiftly lodged into her side. Blood started dripping down her back and her stomach, filling the space with blood.

Everything came crashing down as she was left to die, she never thought it would get worse than this, but it did. A woman soon walked into the hacker's line of view. The woman had dark skin and dark hair, but she wore a sky blue dress and stopped in the doorway of the building. She froze. Satya was the only person she ever cared about, and she was staring right back at her. The architect's face contorted into horror, rushing to her love's side and kneeling down next to her. She didn't want it to end like this... No way...

Satya laid Olivia's head in her lap before tearing up, her heart slowly chipping away. A pit grew in her stomach as her lover smiled weakly and put a hand to her cheek as hot, wet tears started leaking from her eyes. "W-What is wrong Satya?... Today's Valentine's day... There's no need to be sad... We're together..." Olivia stroked the tears away as Satya started shaking, pulling Olivia's head towards her's and slowly connecting their lips. The kiss lingered before Olivia went limp. Her body was cold, her eyes closed and her arms limply hanging by her sides.

Satya had never felt so lonely. She heard a voice call out to her cheerily. "Oi Symmetra! We... Won..." As the eccentric, bubbly girl ran up to her, she froze fast. She approached slowly and walked to her, kneeling down and rubbing her back. "Don't worry love... She's in a better place now..."

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