Broken Memories {Widowmaker}

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When Amélie was little, she always wanted to be in the royal ballet. Dancing was her passion and she wanted to live the dream many girls have but never get the chance to. She wanted to see the stage and audience for herself. Through dancing, however, she made new friends and new enemies. She started at a young age and quickly excelled to the top of her class. She was determined to get this right, this is what she had dreamed to do. Her focus and agility were quickly noticed by the board, who called Amélie into their office.

"Have I done something wrong sir?" She said sheepishly to the owner of the ballet company, who smiled softly and shook his head. "No, not at all Amélie. We called you here to talk to you about your career in dancing. Take a seat." The girl did as she was told and sat at the desk, waiting for further instruction; nothing but silence filled the air. The girl's black hair was tied neatly into a bun with a few straggling hairs falling out of the sides. Beads of sweat cascade down her forehead while her chest slowly raised and lowered to the beat of her heart.

"Why did you decide to dance?" One of the female adjudicators asked firmly, breaking the silence almost instantly. She felt like she was being interrogated, but brushed the feeling off. "I decided to dance because it was my passion. I want to feel the excitement for myself, and not just watch it from a box or screen. I don't want to stand in the crowd, I want to stand on stage." She felt like a million eyes were turned on her, the heart that was once slowly beating started banging on the girl's ribcage, screaming to be let out.

Her glossy eyes scanned the dark room, the walls were painted a simple monochromatic pattern, lined with certificates and pictures from other dancers throughout the years. Cabinets sat in each corner of the room. Behind the desk, filing cabinets full of information on dancers. In the front of the office, cabinets filled with trophies and plaques that the dance company had earned over the years. "Do you know why you were called in here Amélie?" She hated that question. It was like when her parents scolded her for something she did, although she had no recollection of it.

She absently shook her head, still dumbfounded by the sight of the four tall men and woman dressed in black, towering over them. Standing in an almost perfect alignment of a semi-circle, with the owner being the middle of the circumference. He held a file out to her and nodded for her to open the document, finding her information and an acceptance letter to the Royal Ballet Institute in Paris encased in it. Amazed by what she saw, she looked up to only see gleaming smiles from each adult in the room. She smiled brightly, not knowing what else to do.

Instead of cheering for this victory, she nodded and stood up. "Thank you so much, I will not let you down. I hope to be to my best abilities." That day was one of her best memories, of course, not all memories could replace others. There were still some memories she remembered that was happier than the last. Like when she got married to the love of her life. She had met Gérard at one of the after parties of her show, he was from Overwatch and sweet. At first, they never got along, that was for sure.

Although his attempts at flattery did not go unnoticed, Amélie's boredom for them did. She always fought back with witty remarks or plain responses. She always had men after her for her looks and body, so why wasn't he the same. What made him so different. But a spark ignited when they met, and the flame grew bigger. They would meet each other at parties and even sometimes on the street, but the moments they spent together was somehow magical. They would always tease each other, but she wouldn't have had it any other way. She loved it.

He proposed on stage, in front of the whole audience after walking on unannounced. She watched him walk on stage after the bows with a microphone in hand, ready to make a fool of himself. But yet again, he was a cute fool. After he got down on one knee and proposed she was left speechless. She could form words except for one, three letter answer. "Yes." She remembered crying buckets of tears that day, and she regretted none of it. But when she got married, she never felt more alive, and she loved it. She cried during the ceremony and every moment after.

The only moment she remembered that stood out as much as the others was the day he died. The day her beloved bit the dust. She had been kidnapped and brainwashed, made to kill him. She didn't want to. But she had to. She didn't have a choice. She held her pistol tightly in her hand and straddled the man who was soon to be a corpse. She aimed the gun at his head, the gun just near his left eye, before pulling the trigger. Now she was here, stuck in the same cold room she had lived in for years.

Her visor and rifle were on the table in front of her, sitting on the couch and just... Staring... She continued to do so until she heard a voice behind her. "Come on Widow, it's time to go kill some people." The short Mexican child said from behind before walking out. No matter how long she waited for them to go away...

Memories stay forever....

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