Final Showdown: You're Not My Family

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Duke rushed out of the room to retrieve Archer's contract as our remix started. 

"Be safe girls." Archer smiled. 

The girls nodded and quickly rushed out to their spots for the upcoming songs ( Warrior By B.A.P, Not Today By BTS and Gashina By SUNMI)

The crowd roared as the projector flashed on, a large print of Wings spread across the large screen, splashing colors (blue, magenta, violet) as they opened.

" Josephine Sandoval! Eucariz Lucero! Angelica Jimenez! Alejandra Zerate! Night Wings!"

The chant boomed through the large backyard. Radiating energy to the girls as they began the show, giving it their all. Straining their bodies, as well as their voices as they poured their souls into the performance. By the second song, their hearts were racing, lungs strained yet still they refused to let up and pushed harder to perform. The crowd could see the strain but continued their support to the group, although a small crowd their voices still reached out to the girls.

The four pressed on and once it was done and they did their salutations they rushed back stage where they each nearly collapsed from the strain. Backup dancers and crew rushing to their aid, oxygen being given to Euca and Josi while compression packs given to Ale and Angie for their locking joints and muscles.

This was the first incident the boys had seen of the girls. They were scared seeing their friends in such a low state.

Euca and Josi paled from the lack of oxygen to their system, Ale and Angie wincing in pain as the crew tried to loosen the muscles and free the joints from the tightening tendons.

Yet even with their state, the girls seemed to ignore the pain and only felt a sense of pride inside themselves for finishing something together again.

"Archer," Duke spoke, freezing at the sight before him," Woah..."

"You got it?" Euca panted before replacing the mask quickly and focusing back in on her breathing.

"Y-yeah, you guys ok?"

They all nodded, smiles on their faces.

"Pain is nothing." Angie spoke as the crew continued their work.

"How far did you guys go?"

"What does it look like?" Angie laughed, hissing quick after once her joint was freed.

Duke sighed and handed the documents to his friend before walking to Josy who was still focused on her breathing as the crew placed pain relief patches on her.

The cool down was quick and the girls were tired, but they still had things to do.

"Alright, the next band is here and ready. You girls up to go?" Kyle spoke as he walked in.

"Yeah, let's do this." Euca breathed, pulling on her dark hoodie and using Archer as support they started off.

"Archer?!" A deeper voice boomed.

Archer tsked and pulled up his hood, the backup dancers instantly swarmed the backstage area. Allowing the eight to leave in peace.

"Your contact?" Kyle smiled, holding the documents in his hand.

Archer nodded with a smile as he packed slung his carry on bag on his shoulder," Night Wings for life."

Kyle chuckled and nodded," Let's get you guys home."

"Archer!" Lance snapped before he could climb into the car.

"Fucking hell..."

"Leaving without saying goodbye brother?" He scoffed.

"Piss off."

A smile found his lips," You forgot this." He sighed, handing me a small container of disks," You can't make your stuff without this right?"

Archer scoffed and took the case," What do you want?"

He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets," Father is pissed ya know. Barbara is a fainting mess, which is hilarious."

Archer remained silent, narrowing his eyes on his brother.

"Mum told me somethin before she passed. Told me to take care of you ya know... I didn't want to... you were always a snot nosed little ass... but... I've never seen you so happy before. I think this is the best way to take care of ya." Lance explained, not meeting his brothers gaze.

Archer scoffed and nodded," What about father?"

Lance chuckled," I'll take care of it. He can suck it. Family is family right?"

Archer shook his head," You guys aren't my family, you never were..."

"Yeah, I get that. I was a shit brother, father never was there, mother... was mother." Lance sighed," Go, quick. Father is on his way to the port."

"Thanks cunt." Archer hissed.

Lance smiled," Piss of sunshine."

The brothers hugged quickly before parting ways.

The car sped off to the airport and the eight quickly boarded the plane before the Tompsons could show up and attempt to stop the boarding. All they could really do was cause a scene but still the Night Wings did not want that to happen.

"Man... that has got to be the best heist ever." Duke laughed as he took his seat.

The girls rolled their eyes, taking their own seats. Immediately their bodies melted into the seats and relaxed before they could do anything more to strain it.

"Welcome back 언니 ." Ale yawned as she relaxed.

"First performance back as a team and we drain ourselves so bad." Josy laughed weakly.

Angie hummed and closed her eyes," Shut up and sleep already."

The other three laughed and breathed deeply.

The boys smiled at the four.

"I swear... these girls are aliens or something." Duke sighed.

Joseph nodded," Yeah but hell if we aren't the same way."

The others laughed and nodded in reply.

"Still though, now they are going to push themselves this far for every performance."

"That just means we need to keep up." Archer smiled," They won't stop, so we have to stay with them."

"Why did we do this again?" Jayden snickered, groaning as the back of his seat was kicked.

Angie still had her eyes closed but smirked as she drifted off.

"These girls-"

"Are going to be the death of us."

The boys nodded and laughed, they still had a considerable amount of energy. Still they whispered among themselves to not bother the girls as they rested, mainly because they were terrified of the four, especially the two elders who hated being woken up when they were tired. Rather woken up in general.

The eight were reunited again, Archer abandoning his family destiny, his lineage for the sake of being happy and achieving his dream. Yet to him, he didn't abandon his family, he returned to it.

He just left a world of hate and destruction behind for a group of girls and his dreams. For his family, his real family.

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