For Our Girls

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The room was silent as the words slipped from Joseph's lips. Each of the girls processing this new tour at their own speed, having trouble with the information.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I kneeled in front of her, "Earth to Euca, come on now love." I whispered as I looked up into her eyes, they were blank, yet still I saw small sparks of light as her thoughts processed. I sighed and looked back at Joseph," See what three letters can do?"

He blinked a few times smiling wearily," Sorry, I didn't realise that they would react like this..."

Duke walked over and kneeled beside me, I shot a quick glare at him before turning my attention back to Euca.

"Come on Love, talk to me." I whispered and sighed. Licking my lips as I thought a moment then smirking soft. I stood and leaning down slightly I whispered again," I need you to talk to me."

She jumped back slightly startled at the action," What...?"

Once she was torn from her mind the others followed close after.

"So where is this tour taking place exactly?" Angelica asked, pulling her legs onto the couch.

Joseph turned his attention back to his phone, clicking his tounge as he scanned the screen," Huh... Don't lose me this time but it's here. New Mexico."

I hummed soft and sat on the floor in front of Euca," How much a-" I hissed soft as someone slapped my head.

"Don't think about it Aussie," Euca smiled.

Groaning soft I leaned my head back to look at her," Why not, I know how much you all like this band. So come on then, let me pay a bit?"

"No, not happening." She smiled and played with my hair.

Jayden spoke next," Come on now, why not. We didn't do anything but place an offer."

"No," Ale spoke out," 언 니 is right, we have to do it ourselves."

Josephine nodded as well.

I sighed heavily," Well, what do you guys suggest to raise said cash?"

"Actually there's a contest for free tickets." Joseph spoke out," Something you guys could likely win, it's a dancing one. And the rest I can't read."

"Why?" Ale asked.

Joseph smiled sheepishly," It's in Korean."

Ale took the phone and shook her head as she handed it down the line until it got to Euca.

Euca smiled and rolled her eyes," It says : This competition will be judged by Bang PD as well as members from the band BTS. The requirements are as follows: The Video must be at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length... er... lemme see... I think this says... Appropriate clothing must be worn... and... Must be submitted by... October... 20th?"

"You sure that says October?" I asked.

"I'm not 100 percent on this, but yeah. It's October." Euca sighed handing the phone back to Joseph.

"So they are planning to stay here for about a month?" Josephine asked, slightly startled at the answer.

I sighed and looked up at Euca again," You're awesome."

She gave a slight smile before turning her attention back to the others," Well, we should get going then huh?"

"What songs should we do?" Josephine asked.

The girls sat in thought for a moment.

"Archer, what do you think?" Euca asked, leaning over as she played with my hair.

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