Laughter, Desire and Truth

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I looked up at a sleeping Angie, and smiled.

"What, do you wanna be carried?" Joseph snickered as he walked by my side.

I jumped and let out a small squeal which made him smile.

"What, no..." I scoffed.

"You sure?" He cooed, a small chuckle coming forth.

I shook my head and crossed my arms. He hummed and slowed down. I sighed and relaxed, maybe I was a slight bit envious but, I barely know Joseph. Why the hell would I ask him to-

I squealed again as I was suddenly lifted into the air. I clung to Joseph and shut my eyes tight. A deep chuckle vibrated and I blushed dark.

"Boo." He chuckled.

"N-not funny!" I gasped.

He hummed and nodded," Sure."

"Me too!" Hyung yelled making me look up.

Archer chuckled and stopped, crouching down to let her on. She giggled and jumped on him, laughing he stood and continued walking. Josy shook her head as she walked.

"Geez you guys are babies."

"Damn right." Hyung laughed as she leaned her head on Archer's shoulder.

I smiled, she looked more awake and the dark bags under her eyes were gone. Maybe she is a superhero. I hummed and swung my legs gently as we, or rather the boys and Josy walked. My thoughts clouded by questions that I had about Joseph, why exactly was he so soft on me? Why did he protect me? Why did he suddenly come up to me on the bus? Just who is he?

"You look like you're having fun." Joseph smiled.

I hummed and looked up at him, gazing slightly into his eyes.

"You're not telling me something, what is it?" He asked.

I blushed and shook my head," What, nothing. Put me down.."

He smiled," Not a chance shortcake, now tell me what's on your mind."

"Almost there!" Hyung giggled.

"Wakey wakey." Jayden spoke softly.

Angie groaned and hid her face.

"Come on it's time to wake up." He chuckled.

"No..." she whined.

He chuckled," Come on sunshine, we're almost there."

Angie lifted her head and yawned," Icecream?"

Jayden nodded.

She brightened almost instantly,"Icecream!"

Jayden chuckled,"Yes."

"I wanna be first!" She beamed.

Jayden nodded," Well, I suggest you hang on."

She nodded and wrapped her arms securely around Jayden's neck. He suddenly started to sprint ahead of us.

"Hey!" Hyung laughed loudly.

"What, you wanna be first love?"

She nodded excitedly.

"Well, then hang on. I won't let that dunder head beat us."

Laughing she copied Angie's actions and they too rushed off.

Josy and Duke looked at each other and rushed ahead as well. I smiled and leaned against Joseph.

"Comfy?" He asked.

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