One Last Time

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My eyes were darting to the different parts of my computer screen as I kept track of visuals and vocals so that they would be ready for both PUMA as well as the contest. This was all slightly Surreal, just about three and a half months ago to the day, I had disbanded from my friends and girlfriend, a month later saw the Night Wings performance video, soon after met Ale and became a part of this little group. All of it fit together a little too well, yet at the same time it was nice to be a part of something like this. I smiled as I thought about it and adjusted my headset as the performance continued.

Every member of the group danced their hardest, having fun as they did so. They sang their hearts out, without a second thought to the lyrics. For weeks they've practiced non stop, covered with pain relief patches and filled with so much caffeine that the world could've run well on it's own. They were beyond exhausted for days from pushing themselves beyond their limits. Yet here they stood, like nothing in the world was wrong, like they weren't in pain for days and still practiced, like they were exhausted beyond every measure and still studied. Here they were, dancing and singing with the brightest smiles and soulful voices.

It felt nice to know that there were only eight of us that truly knew what was going on. That was for us. Just for us to know. For us to hold onto.

"Thank you everyone! We are the-"

"-Night Wings!"

I chuckled soft and took off my headset as they did their bows and waved at everyone that genuinely cheered for them. After saving all the files to multiple different places and pulling it onto a USB drive I walked over to the girls who were busy feeding and rehydrating their tired bodies.

"Good job idols." Archer smiled.

"You did awesome out there." I added and held up the drive," And here is your submitions."

They looked tired and worn down but happy none the less.

"We have one last thing to do." Euca stated as she stretched her limbs to cool down.

"What would that be love?" Archer asked," Will you put that down?!"

"Never!" Jayden laughed as he clutched a pocket video camera.

I smiled and sat down," What is this last thing that we have to do?"

"BTS arrives today in New Mexico. And I know a security guard at the Sunport Airport." Euca smiled.

The girls were slightly more energetic with the news but there was no denying that they were tired.

"You girls finish cooling down, we'll pack up." Archer smiled and kissed the top of Euca's head.

They whined a bit, wanting to help out and after a few threats from Archer, flirtatious remarks from Jayden and a few words from me they backed down clutching their food to their bodies, glaring up at us.

Archer laughed," We'll be done soon alright?"

Euca smiled and relaxed," Touch my food and I will have to kill you."

"언 니 I ran out of meat..." Angie whined as she ate her rice.

Euca smiled and gave her youngers some of her own meat.

"Hey." Archer gasped.

Euca smiled and stood up with her food," I said if you touched it, I never said anything about asking."

He smiled and kissed her forehead before starting to unplug his sound system.

I chuckled and looked at Ale," You ok?"

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