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You know that hollow exhaustion, the empty feeling from being on top of everything all day with no end in sight, yet at the same time not having the being to say enough is enough and take a break. Being Mentally drained from the day seemed like a normal feeling now-a-days with all that was going on, the companies and the practice, the tests and the studying. I suppose with one of three down it could be a little easier to manage, but at the same time, maybe not. I know better than to show the girls that I'm overly exhausted from everything. They may know that I'm drained, but to know that I'm this tired is another thing. They get protective and defensive when I'm like this, there is just too much at stake these days for them to call stuff off for my well-being. I love these girls and if it means sacrificing my mental and physical welfare to get them to the top then so be it.


So this is Journey's huh? It's a smaller building, due to it being a branch office. The home office is in Nashville, Tennessee. In its bold font hanging on a large plaque read Journeys' and under that read the parent organization, Genesco.

Waiting for the receptionist to call us up, and the girls were growing restless. The boys were tired and growing more so by the second.

What the hell is taking them so long?

"언니, how much longer?" Ale whined softly.

"It shouldn't be too long now." I smiled faintly, my eyes beginning to burn from the exhaustion.

"Night Wings?" A young lady asked, a pair of sleek black high heels clicking into the room, a fitting violet skirt and top hugging her figure and a tight bun held her blonde hair.

"Finally..." Archer groaned pinching the bridge of his nose.

My legs were like jelly as I stood, struggling to find my balance. Cursing at myself, knowing my youngers had caught it.

"Easy love, you know how your legs get when you sit for too long." Archer smiled and placed a hand on my back to steady me out.

The words seemed to clear the worry from the youngers as they turned their gazes back to the receptionist.

She turned around and walked away. Our only clue to follow her was that motion alone.

After passing a few doors, we cane to a small conference room with a short table littered with black chairs.


Sighing deeply we found our way around the table, knowing we were going to have to wait another hour or so... or at least that is what we thought.

"I am so sorry about that hectic wait. I was speaking with your manager." The guy spoke as he walked in.

"Manager?" I asked and leaned on the table.

"Yes, he knew surprisingly little about you lot... it took me a minute to get the information I needed... Damn, where are my manners... I'm Donovan Gauge."

"Eucariz, I'm the oldest of the group. These are my youngers, Angelica, Alejandra and Josephine. And these boys are our technical team, Jayden, Archer, Joseph and Duke. " I replied and stood up, gesturing as I introduced each member.

"Wow, it is so very nice to meet you all."

"So, what is this about a manager?" Angie asked.

"Apparently," Donovan began, sitting at the head of the table," He was appointed to you by the CEO of Puma, best they could find according to them."

"When will we meet this, 'manager'?" Archer breathed, relaxing in the chair.

"He said he would be by-"

The door burst open, swinging harsh against the paneling a younger man panting as he desperately tried to straighten his suit.

We all exchanged a quick glance before turning our attention to the man boy.

"Sorry, sorry... I am Kyle, um..." he panted as he straightened out," Kyle Droves. My driver got a flat on the way here and it was already late so, I ran the rest of the way."

"Right..." Donovan breathed and cleared his throat," Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your... manager."

Kyle waved and fixed his hair," Again, I apologize. When I was appointed to you, all they gave me was a thin file packet on you all. I had to gather what little I know now from your school."

"No offence but aren't you like 20?" Archer asked.

"None taken. I am actually 29, 30 this year." Kyle replied as he found his seat," I would like to get to know you kids better, but first. We do need to get through this meeting."

With that the conference started. Contracts, rules and requirements for us. Travel notices and other activities and events that have been scheduled but not planned just yet. Hours of reading and scheduling, talking and talking.

"Alright, well that is the last of it. And don't even fret about the timing of any of this anymore. That is what I am for, time management, money control, and well, sometimes even personal assistant." Kyle said we walked out.

I nodded, my ears ringing and eyes heavy. The words barely processing in the back of my mind.

"언니?" Josi chimed.

I glanced at her, a small hum escaping my lips.

"She must be exhausted. Being the oldest has to be tiresome, why don't you guys go and get some well deserved rest. I will take care of all this." Kyle spoke slapping his briefcase slightly.

"Good, that takes a load off of her." Archer smiled and wrapped an arm around me," Someone gets to sleep more often now."

I rolled my eyes and smiled soft," Sleep sounds good right about now."

A hum of agreement came from my girls, then a wave of yawns.

"We should get you girls home before you all pass out on us." Joseph smiled.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

The boys lead us back to the car and drove us home. Each of us falling asleep on the car ride home.

It did feel like part of my burden was lifted from my shoulders. A weight off my chest. No more planning, schedules and paperwork. That was on someone else now. Someone with the time, the experience. No I can do what I want with my youngers instead of the long nights of sitting in front of a calendar in my room as they slept on. Now I can keep studying nursing. God knows I'll need it. Each one of these guys were a beacon for cuts and bruises, I needed to know my stuff if anything serious should ever happen to them.

My youngers meant everything to me. They always will. My family. My friends. The boys were part of our little clan all as well. Spending nearly every waking moment making sure we were ok and happy. Each of us accounted for, each with a role, each one of us held together a bond we never wanted broken.

DedicationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora