"Okay, I'm going." I whisper with a shaky breath. My hands begin to tremble as I hold them in front of me and walk backwards. The back of my legs hit the table and I flinch, looking down for a second. I finally get to the couch and sit down, feeling dear take over me. The man goes to the door and unlocks it, opening it.

"Did you hurt her?" A man with a deep voice asks from outside.

"No boss, just like you asked. She's fine." The man says. I watch in horror as the three men enter my home and close the door. The tall and bulky one stands in the middle, clasping his hand on his wrist in front of him.

"Hello Eva, I'm Alexander."



"Boss, do you really think this is the best idea? If you go to her house too often they will know." Raf says from next to me. I ignore him and keep a steady pace as I walk through the doors of her apartment building.

"Raf, zip it." I growl and make my way to the elevator.

I just want to check on her, make sure she's okay.

We walk into the elevator and her gay friend walks out.

"Oh! Well if it isn't mister romance. Whatcha doin here handsome? And handsome friend." He smiles and checks out Raf.

"Just coming to check up on Eva. She had a lot to drink last night and I want to make sure she's okay." I explain and he smiles widely.

"Mhmm, sure. Is that a cover story for you guys are gonna have some nasty threesome? I knew she was kinky." He mumbles the last part and I groan.

"She's not kinky. She's respectable. Now move." I growl, running out of patience. He laughs and mutters something I don't pay attention to as I press the button for her floor. Within seconds were there and I walk down the quiet hallway.

"Wait out here Raf." I order and he just nods his head. I knock on the door and wait a few minutes, no answer. I knock again, my pulse quickening this time. After I still get now answer I try the handle to find that it's unlocked. I let myself in and look around to see everything is fine.

"Eva?" I call out and walk in further. On the counter is a plate full of food and a cup of cold coffee. My blood runs cold and my mouth gets dry.

"Rafael!" I holler and Raf bursts in through the door.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks and I turn around to see him reaching for his gun.

"She's gone." I growl and feel my anger start to set in.

She's gone, and it's all my fault.



"Come on boss, she's clueless." I hear a voice. It sounds like it's coming through a tunnel. My head begins to pound and my ears start to ring.

I suck my breath through my teeth and I lift my head and try to open my eyes. The bright light hurts but I manage to open them and look around. I was in an empty room with little to nothing inside. A door in front of me, the chair I was tied to. Another chair to the side of me, and the plastic material spread out on the floor under me and my chair.

"Did I ask your fucking opinion? Ty, blyad' idiot." I hear a deep voice growl back. (You fucking idiot)

"Well I'm not the one who kidnapped Niccolo's girl. You're gonna regret that boss." The other voice snaps and then I heard loud footsteps, it sounds like they're walking away. Seconds later I watch as the doorknob turns and swings open. My pulse quickens and I start to panic.

"Good, you're awake. You fought pretty hard Eva, I'll give you that. I can see why Niccolo is so fascinated with you." The man speaks and walks in, closing the door and grabbing the chair. He puts it in front of me facing backwards and sits down, leaning on the back of the chair.

"What do you want?" I spit out and he looks at me for a while longer.

"Do you remember who I am?" He asks and I nod my head slowly. Now that I can see his face, how could I forget.

"Alexander." I mumble and pull my arms, feeling the rope bite into my skin.

"Good, yes. I am Alexander, and Niccolo is. Well, he's one of my worst enemies." He laughs darkly and I look into his green eyes. He's not half bad looking, for a criminal.

"Why does that have anything to do with me?" I ask and he sighs, standing up.

"Have you really no idea about what's going on? You're smart Eva, come on. Put the pieces together." He says and stands up, picking the chair up and moving it to the side.

"I don't know what you mean." I growl and he laughs at me.

"Well, then I guess you truly don't know anything." He admits to himself and walks towards me. His tall figure towers over me and I look down at my lap.

"Well..." I trail off and look up at him. My mind working at a million miles per hour, "How about you explain it to me?"

"Oh I will krasivaya, in good time." He smiles down at me and puts his finger below my ear, on my jaw.

"But for now, why don't we have some fun?" He asks sadistically. He trails his finger down my jaw and I pull my head away from him.

"Don't touch me you pig." I growl and his facial expressions change dramatically. His hand slams on my neck and his grip tightens. I feel my airways tighten and I start to struggle to breathe.

"Darling. I may be in the mafia. But I am not a monster. However, if you want me to act like one. I fucking will." He threatens in my ear. My eyes begin to water and within seconds his hand is gone and I'm left coughing hellaciously.

"Go to hell." I spit out and cough again, trying to catch my breath. He looks at me and smiles.

"Oh honey, living everyday is like experiencing a different version of hell. I'm like the devil, I can be an angel. Or I can pure evil. Don't test me." He growls and turns around. Leaving me alone in the room. My mind begins to process everything and there's one word bouncing around my head.


How the hell did I get into the situation? I really don't understand. And what does Niccolo have to do with anything?

"Come on Eva think, fucking think." I scold myself and try and dissect what little I know about the man.

"He's wealthy, Italian. Very rich. Works for a business he won't talk about. Very mysterious.

Oh my god, what if he's in the mafia too?


Hello beautiful people!!!! So, as you all know I'm rewriting this book. For those of you who are rereading it, I hope you enjoy. For those of you just now reading it. I hope you enjoy.

I know I don't publish that often and I'm terribly sorry. It's my senior year! And things have  bee been more crazy, not to mention that I have bronchitis at the moment.

Anyways, for those of you who have already read my book. Everything will be the same, it'll just happen in different ways and it will be written much better. My writing style has gotten a lot better and I take more time when writing. I'm also working on a few other books. So, whenever I feel that writers spark I just write a little for every book. But mostly for my two published works.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Don't forget to vote!! And comment!! Much love to you all!!

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