Chapter 21: Turning upside down

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3rd person POV:

after hearing the news, Ari rushed to Kamaya as fast as she can . She got there about 2 hours later and started banging on her door. Kamaya open the door looking all small and sad. Ari gave her the biggest hug ever and let her cry it out. After about an hour or so Kamaya fell asleep on Ari and Ari let her .

Ari was just thinking the whole time about why the hell it wouldn't be Dev's. After all that thinking Ari stomach started doing cartwheels. Ari got up and ran to the bathroom. She started throwing up her guts, when all that was over Ari brushed her teeth and went back into the room.

"You okay?" Asked Kamaya. Ari nodded her head and then asked her the same. Kamaya then got up and told ari to sit. Ari sat down and Kamaya then got comfortable rubbing her stomach, "when me and Dev started talking i was still talking to keith. We fucked every here and there but me and Dev got serious and i stopped . But now im pregnant and i don't know how to tell Dev hes going to be mad as hell." Said Kamaya lowly

Ari nodded her head . Ari head was pounding and stomach was killing her. "Ari are you okay?" Kamaya said tapping her out her thoughts. "Ion feel good Kamaya honestly probably just a cold But don't worry about nun of that , all you have to do is tell him the truth honestly and as soon as possible you dont want him to find out thats when everything goes down hill." Ari said sluggishly

Ari then felt as though she had to throw up once again. She got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up her guts. Kamaya was behind her holding up her hair . Ari then got up to brush her teeth but eneded up falling on the ground unconscious.

"ARI WHAT THE FUCK , ARI SAY SOMETHING ARI." Kamaya ran to her phone then called 911 ...

"911 whats your emer- "


"Ma'am i need you to calm down'"


"Is she breathing?"

"I don't know honestly" kamaya said crying feeling like she was having a panic attack .

"Were sending an ambulance now."

Kamaya then called Dev. Shortly after the phone answered

"DEV." Kamaya screamed

"Woah shawty nah its me Dre, dev outside doin something for me. Whats up ? Why u sound crazy"





Kamaya then ran right back to Ari to see if she was breathing Kamaya couldnt hear anything and started crying "ari please dont leave me."

Dre then busted through the door. Kamaya jumped up "how the fuck u get here so fast" Kamaya looked at him. He ran up to Ari and picked her up ran her downstairs. "Wait hold on the ambulance on the way" kamaya said to him . "Mane fuck the ambulance imma have to save her my damn self , got me fucked up if you think you leaving me" Dre said looking at Ari lifeless body.

He put her in the car then drive to the hospital making it in under 5 minutes. Running every red light and passing every car. Once he got there he didnt even bother parking the car he ran out the car picked up Ari then ran inside . "HELP HER YO SHES JUST PASSED OUT." Dre said he felt a panic in him but didnt want it to get the best of him .

"Okay we got her they said putting ari on a gurney. Dre tried to go but they wouldnt let him. He felt as though he was going crazy he got up and punch the wall putting a hole into it. "Fuck man" he said sitting down trying to breathe .

3 hours later .....

At this time Dre is bout to blow as to why the fuck its taking so long. As soon as he got up to curse them the fuck out a nurse says "Ariella Palmer"

Dre jumped up and said "yes" the nurse looked at him and licked her lips "come this way love" she said flirty. Dre aint pay it no mind  to this lopsided bitch, his focus was on Ari. Kamaya had left with Dev to get some food and calm her down. The nurse lead him to Ari room. "Can i get your numb-" Dev just walked into the room not paying her no damn mind.

Ari was sleeping peacefully. Dre touched her head and kissed it. Whats wrong with her? He asked the nurse. "Nothing really its common for pregnant woman to do this when they are thinking a lot. I think its the baby trying to tell her to slow down.

"Wait hold the fuck up. She's pregnant?"

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