Chapter 2

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  The nex day when I arrived to the classroom everyone was chatting about something. I put my backpack on my desk and approached Thalia, who was talking with two other people I had met yesterday. Their names were... Hazel and Damian? Thalia turnrd around and greeted me with a smile.

  "Hello Rachel!"

  "Hi. Uh... what's everyone talking about?"

  "Don't you know?" Said Hazel. She wore a dark purple t-shirt and jeans that combined perfecty with her hazelnut-colored skin. She had let her hair loose and her brown curls fell over her shoulders. "Today there will be auditions to know who are going to participate in the school's team in the anual music contest"

  "Almost everyone wants to participate," said Damian. He was a guy with cinnamon-colored skin, emerald green eyes and black hair. He wore a black leather jacket with a red polo, a pair of jeans and white converse. "but only ten will be chosen" 

  "Wow!" I said, "that sounds incredible. What time are they?"

 "This afternoon," said Thalia, "after school, until like 6:00 pm"

  "Are you going to participte Rachel?" Hazel asked.

  "Yes. Honestly I've always loved to sing. And you?"

  "Hazel will play the guitar, I'll play the violin and Thalia doesn't want to participate" In that moment the bell rang and we all went to our places.

  At the end of the day we went to the auditorium and Thalia went to sit with the "public", which consisted in like four other people who went to see their friends and a teacher that was seating near the judjes with a lot of papers in her hand. I went with Hazel and Damian to make the line with the ones who were auditioning.

  Wow, Damian wasn't lying when he said that many people would come. In my other school not even half the amount of people who were here would have auditioned. 

  The line moved slowly. Hazel and Damian went first with the people who were playing an instrument and were sitting next to Thalia. Finaly it was my turn. I got to the stage and saw a guy siting by the piano, I guess he was going to play the song for me. The moment I stood by the microphone Thalia stood up and yelled:


  The music started and I waited a few seconds before entering. I had decided to sing Dont Know What To Do.

  I started to sing and felt I was home again. I imagined myself playing in the garden while my mother wathed from the kitchen's window.

  "그려본 네 기억은 blue" I finished the song and exited the stage, the guy from the piano came behind me.

  "You are a very good singer" he said when I was heading to where my friends were waiting. He had dirty blond hair perfectly cut, although some rebel strands made his hair look a little messy. His eyes seemed to ge from an electric blue to lemon green and to blue again. He wore jeans, white sneakers and a gray hoodie. It took me a moment to realize he was the same guy I had crashed with yesterday.

  "Oh uh thanks" I said, "You uhh... are very good with the piano too" I turned around and walked towards my friends, but I was sure I had blushed slightly.

  "You were incredible!!" Hazel said hugging me. Damian and Thalia came behind her.

  "I see you met my brother" said Thalia

  "He is your brother?" I asked surprised. They were completely different!

  "Yep. Hey how about we go to the cafeteria that's nearby"

  "Oh... I don't know. Don't you think it's too late?"

  "NO! Come on, you need more fun in your life" she said arrogantly

  "Fine. But I need to go get some stuff"

  "Ok. We'll get going and find a table"

  "But wait! How am I supposed to get there if I don't even know where it is?"

  "My brother Jason will take you there, he knows where it is. Right Jason?" She said turning towards her brother who was about to leave the place.

  "B-but..." Thalia stared at him as if saying "do it", "Ugh fine" he said reclutantly"

  "Great! Then see you there" then she left with Hazel and Damian, leaving me alone with Jason.

  We exchanged a look and I went to pick up the bookd that I had left on my locker. When we exited the school it was raining.

  Oh great

  "My mom's going to kill me if I arrive wet." I said more for me than for him.

  "Well I you don't have many options; you are going to get wet either way. But on the bright side if we go to the cafeteria, which is closer, you're not going to get too wet. We can wait there until it stops" I have to admit he had a point. We ran under the rain and I could barely see where we were heading. He told me we were close, then we saw two doors and entered the "cafeteria".

  "Well at least we are finally here. Although it's a little to dark for a caffeteria, don't you think so?" I said. It was so dark I could barely see my hands.

  "Yeah. Maybe we entered through the service door" We walked around in silence but found no cafeteria. Finaly Ispoke up:

  "We are not in the cafeteria, right?"

  "No... Oh look! there's light over there. Maybe someone can tell us were we are" we walked faster, but since it was dark we crashed with lots of things that we couldn't see.

  We got to a book that was illuminated by ultra-violet light. Why was it there I had honestly no idea, but I found it wierd and kinda creepy-

  "Where the hell are we?" I was starting desperate.

  "If this is the book I think it is, then we are in the museum" Jason said carefully approaching the book.

  "THE MUSEUM?!! How did we end in the museum? I thought you knew where the cafeteria was" I was rally mad at him.

  "The cafeteria is just beside the museum, but that's irrelevant in this moment. What should worry you is that the museum is oviously closed and I don't have my phone here, so we can't ask my sister to get us out of here or at least use the flashlight to find an exit. And it looks like you don't have yours either" He was right, my phone had ran out of battery earlier. I wasn't how I was feeling: scared that we could get caught for entering the museum at this hour and while it was closed, or angry at Jason for getting us in here.

  "We're in trouble" I finaly said.


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