Chapter 4

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  Our plan of having a friendly talk in the cafeteria ended up in spending almost an hour explaing everything to Hazel Thalia and Damian. As it turned out none f them knew about the hhidden part of the leyend.

  "So... there's a hidden part in the leyend we've been told our whole lives?" asked Thalia for the fifth time.

  "Yes Thalia," said Jason tiered of answering so many times his sister's questions. "There's a part written in invisible ink."

  "But if it is invisible, how did you see it?" asked Damian. We all turned around and stared at him. "What?"

  "Damian," said Hazel in a calmed voice, "the ink is not literaly invisible. It's just a special ink that can only be seen in ultra-violet light."

  "Oh," he said, "that has sense."

  "Excuse me," said the waiter walking towards us, "I don't want to be rude, but you need to leave since we are about to close."

  "Now? What time is it?" I looked at my watch: 9:30 pm. "Oh my God!! My mom's going to kill me. I didn't tell her I would be home later."

  We left the cafeteria and I ran home while the others went calmly talking to their houses. I arrived 15 minutes later and found all the lights off. Why were they off? My mom didn't usually go to sleep early, let alone if I was not home. I entered and found a note in the kitchen counter.

   Hi sweetheart

 I'm going to be home late tonight, I had a last minute meeting. Dont't go to bed too late

love mom 

  I left the note and went to my room. I can't believe I ran all the way here and my mom isn't even home. I dressed in my piyama and went to sleep. I didn't understand why but I was really tired so I fell fast asleep.

  The next day when the teacher arrived she said she already had the results of the auditions.

  "Okay everyone please listen." she said. When everyone stopped talking she continued, "In the instrumental part we'll have Hazel and Damian from this class,-- pause for applauses -- and Lila and Rachel will be singing.-- more applauses-- Now I'll go tell the students in the other class"

  In the moment she left the room Hazel came running and hugged me.

  "You're in!!" she screamed exited, "And me too!! And Damian!!" she let go of me and went to hug Damian

  "Well done," ssaid Thalia beside me, "you really did great at the audition."

  "Thanks," I said, "I still can't believe it."

  The teacher came back and everyone returnrd to their places.

  "For everyone who I mentioned the rehersals start today. They will last two hours each, and please don't be late. Now leaving aside that toic, let's start the class"

  After that we had sience. The teacher had the brilliant idea of having us make the work with the person sitting next to us. And (Why does the universe hate me?) I had to work with Lila, but anyway.

  "No that you are in pairs," said the teacher, " I want you to make an experiment related to the topic and fill in the lab. guide, with images please. You'll have to present your report next class, which is tomorrow."

  "Well," said Lila, "good luck." then she turned around and started checking her phone.

   I could see that coming, I thought.

  The day passed by and anything interesting happened until it was finaly time fer the rehersal. Lila and I were singing with a guy I didn't know, and Hazel,  

  Damian and Jason played the instruments. The teacher explained that the other four people would participate in a different level since they were older, so they wouldn't be practicing with us.

  "Hi Rachel," said the other guy walking to my side. He had tanned skin and honey-colored eyes. Some strands of his dark brown curly hair fell over his eyes. He looked the same age as Jason. "I'm Victor"

  "Umm... do I know you?" I ask confused. It's wierd that someone just talks to me like that.

  "Ha-ha, no. But I saw you talking with Jason." I stared at him like saying "and?" He saw my face and said, "I'm his best friend. He told me you're friend of his sister."

  "Oh! uhh... ok. And where are you from? You don't look from the U. S. and you have a wierd accent.

  "Oh, no. Im an exchance student. I'm from Brazil."

  "I'm from Tokyo. But I'm not an exchange student, I moved here."

  Before we could continue talking the teacher came. She asked us to be in pairs: one singer and one musician.

  "Hey Jason," said Lila approaching him, "do you want to pair with me?"

  "Oh sorry, I already have a partner."

  "Oh yeah? And who is it?"

  "Um..." he looked around looking for a partner that wasn't Lila. Hazel was with Victor and they were happily chatting. Then he fixed his eyes on me. "She."

  Lila looked at mi in a not very nice way and went with Damian, who had been so busy tuning his violin he didnn't notice what had happened. Jason sighed and walked to my side. For some reason I started getting nervous.

  "Hi. I hope you're not bothered having me as your partner."  

  "No, of course not."

  We started to practice and talk about life until the rehersal was over. I went home and was about to go to bed when I remembered the sience homework. (I had made more than half of the work during class but i hadn't finished)

  Oh noooooo


There goes another chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

Also please tell me if you would like the chapters to be longer.

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