Little Happy Colors

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Dear Future Husband...

It seems I can't stop getting sick this quarter.  First a concussion, then depression, then food poisoning, and now pleurisy and a mouth full of sores. 

It's hard to believe it's the week before Thanksgiving and I still haven't done anything significantly good for my body. 

My goal for next week is to be extra kind and compassionate with myself, taking warm showers, cleaning my skin, and wearing my favorite clothes. 

I also want to clean up my room and catch up on writing.  I wish I wrote more now, but something is always happening. 

I will stop forgetting.

Little happy colors - I got a free Redbox movie today, my accounting homework for last week was excused, and I'm doing well in research writing. 

Lunch and supper were both deliciously perfect. 

Tomorrow I don't technically have anything until 1. 

I cried for a bit tonight and it felt so good.

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