Chapter 15 | Without You

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Max's POV

I woke up and made myself some cereal. I could not stop thinking about El. It's not even been a full day since I left El, but I just miss her so much. I couldn't even bring myself to unpack everything, so there I was in my room, covered in boxes, practically crying. I quickly put on my backpack and got ready. I guess I'm going to go back to the Hawkins school. I skated to school, and tried to think of anything but El, but I couldn't. I got to school late, and I just couldn't focus. I set by myself at lunch. The world felt like it was falling apart without El. But she's just a girl, what was so special about her? No, she wasn't just a girl, she was my life. I got back from school and couldn't even bring myself to eat dinner, I sat on my bed crying. 

Eleven's POV

We drove back home, away from Hawkins. But this time Max wasn't coming, she was staying in her shitty home. I said my final goodbyes to Max, but I hoped this wouldn't be it. The summer holidays were coming up according to Will, and he thought we could maybe stay at Hawkins for a bit or something. I wanted to call Max, but I was scared in case her parents answered, so I didn't. Max was basically my world, her going away, made me feel alone. At least I had Will and Joyce, I can't imagine how bad it is for Max with her parents. This can't be the end, there has to be a way to see Max again. 

Max's POV

"MAXINE!" my Mom called for me as I was still crying in my room. I sucked my tears up and shouted "WHAT?!". My Mom knocked on my door. I said nothing. She knocked again. "Maxine, please open the door, we need to talk to you." she said. I opened the door angrily. "What is it?" I said. "Maxine, come on, sit down." I sat down on the couch, I did not want to talk to my parents right now. "Maxine, how are you?" My mom asked. "Really, REALLY, shitty. Thanks to you." I said. "Maxine, I'm sorry, but I can't just have you running of to some stranger's house." my parents said. "That was not a stranger, and you were the one that kicked me out! I had no choice!" I said angrily. "Maxine, we're sorry, we just had to think for a bit, but that's no reason for you to go to someone else's house!"  "Where else could have I gone?!"                                                           "Listen, all that matters is that you're here now, and we're gonna put up some rules, so you don't wander off again. First of all before you go anywhere you have to tell us where you're going, and no more hanging out with those girls. You must be home by 10 p.m every day."

I didn't even say anything, I was so done with my parents. Whatever, it's not like I'll get to see El soon anyway. I went to sleep early, still thinking about El. What if I never get to see her again?

Author's Notes: Guys, I'm sorry I haven't been posting for the last couple of months, I've been busy with midterms and tests, and just school in general. Well, finally it's here, another chapter! I don't know if you liked it lol, nothing much happened. Anyway I wanted to ask you guys a few things. 

I'm going to be bringing Hopper back to life, but I'm not sure how to go about it? Do you think El should like have visions of Hop. Do you think El should fine him in the upside down, or with the Russians? Please let me know :). One Hop comes back the byers will move back to Hawkins, and then El and Max can reunite, yay. Also, I was thinking of making Mike have a crush on Will back, to add some byler, what do you think?

I'll try to post more, at least once a week! :D

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