Chapter 3 | Together Again

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Max's POV

"So, today, Dustin introduced me to Robin. She's a lesbian too, and she's really cool. I haven't really heard from Eleven that much. I'm just glad that Dustin doesn't hate me like the others. When I came home, my parents where saying bad things about gay people. I came out, and well know I'm here. In the street, with no idea what to do. "

I finished writing in my journal. I went to a phone box and dialed Eleven's number. It was past 10 p.m so I wasn't sure if she would answer. Yes, she answered! 

"Hey El, it's Max." 

"Oh hey Max, why are you calling so late?"

"Long story, short, my parents kicked me out, and I don't know who else to call."

"Oh shit, really?  I think It's too late to come to Hawkins and pick you up, now."

"Don't worry I'll try to stay over at Dustin's or something."

"Are you sure you'll be fine Max?"

"Yeah, I'll try to stay over one night at someone else's place, and then first thing tomorrow I'll call you again, okay?"

"Yeah, I hope you're okay. Bye Max!"

"Bye, El!"

I hung up and went over to Dustin's place, I really home I can stay the night. I rang the doorbell. Dustin opened the door looking tired "Uh, Max, what is it?" he asked me. "I got kicked out and I need a place to stay the night, can I stay here just for tonight?" I asked. "Sure, come in." he told me. I went to his room and set up a sleeping bag on the floor.  It was pretty uncomfortable but I managed to fall asleep.

Eleven's POV

So, Max got kicked out of her house. I really hope she's okay, I might see her tomorrow. I went back to bed after the phone call, and fell asleep. I woke up and went to join everyone else for breakfast. "Joyce, Max got kicked out of her house, and she has nowhere to stay, can she stay here for now?" I asked Joyce. "She can stay here for the weekend and we will decided what to do later, okay?" Joyce told me.  "Okay, I'll tell her that." I didn't have to wait that long until I got another phone call.

"Hey, El, Max, again."

"Hi Max, my Mom said you can stay here for the weekend. Stay at Dustin's place and we will pick you up."

"Yay! I'm excited to see you!'

'Me too, Max. Okay I will see you soon, bye!"

Joyce and I got in the car, and she started driving to Hawkins. It's only been like a week since I've seen Max, and yet I miss her so much. It takes about one hour to get there. Soon enough, I see her, Max, her lovely red hair, her cute freckles. I open the car, and run to her, I hug her. "I missed you so much Max!" I told her. "I missed you too, El." Max got in the car and we were on our way back home. We arrived home. I showed Max around. "So, this is where I live." I told her. "It looks very cozy, where's your room?" Max asked me. "Oh, over her, I share a room with Will." I showed her around my room. "I missed you lots, Max." I told her. "I missed you more, El." We both leaned in and kissed, this kiss was a little more passionate then the others. It lasted a while, but then Will entered the room, and we broke apart. I smiled at Max. 

Authors Notes: Yay, they are together, again. I'm not sure if I should make Max move in with the byers, what do you think?

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