Chapter 8 | Trapped and Scared

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Eleven's POV

I got up and quickly had some cereal, I got my backpack and rode the school with Max. I was getting really bored of school, I hated being bullied all along. I was really excited for the weekend tomorrow and the day after, where we could finally have a bit of a break. We got to school and did a bunch of things. We then ate at lunch, everyone was staring at us the entire time.  I saw that mouth-breather whispering to his friends.

Eric's POV

"Ugh look at them two they are so disgusting!" I sad.  "I know right." said Hugo (One of Eric's friends) "I have an idea, to teach those two a lesson." said Jake (Another one of Eric's friends) "Okay then, lets here it." I told him. "We trick that girl Eleven to go into the Janitors closet, and then we beat up that stupid fag Max. That way if Eleven really does have super powers she won't interfere." said Jake. "That is actually a perfect plan, Jake! Okay, so Mark, Jane or Eleven or whatever her name is hasn't really seen you, so ask her to get you something from the Janitors closet. Hugo you talk to Max, I don't think she knows you hang out with me either. Once Jane is trapped we will beat up Max.!" "Sounds like a plan!" everyone said. I was so excited to finally teach those fags a lesson.

Eleven's POV

Lunch time just finished and I went to my locker, I was expecting to see Max behind me but she wasn't there. Then out of nowhere this boy I've never seen came up to me. "I'm so sorry, about what happened with Eric. I don't think you should be bullied for what you are, Jane." he told me. He actually seemed to be quite nice. "Thanks, Eric is a mouth-breather, what is your name?" I asked him. "Mark, listen I left something behind in that closet, and I'm really  scared to go in there, can you do me a favor and get it, it's this small red pen." he asked me. "Uh, sure." I went in to the closet he pointed at and it was very small and had a few mops but there was no sign of a red pen. I kept on looking around and I found no pens. I was about to get out, but then Mark slammed the door on me! I tried to get out but it was no use. I could not believe him, I bet he was really one of Eric's friends! I looked around and it was so dark and so small, I got reminded of the past, the closet Papa always trapped me in. I started to get really scared. I screamed "MAX? ARE YOU THERE, IS ANYONE THERE, LET ME OUT!" No one heard me though, and I was so scared, I wanted this over soon, I didn't want to be trapped here.

Max's POV

I was following El after lunch to our lockers but I got stopped by this random boy. "Hey, uh, I'm Hugo. I just have to say the things Eric said about you are really messed up, I'm sorry you and Jane have to go through this. " he told me "Oh, thanks, yeah Eric sucks." I told him. "You seem like a cool person, you skate?" Hugo asked me.  "Yeah, I do, do you?" I asked him. "Yeah occasionally, we should totally hang out some time!" Hugo told me. "Yeah but right now I really need to get to my locker and meet up with Jane, it was nice talking to you though!" I told him. Yes, I thought, finally a person who doesn't hate me or bully me, Hugo seemed quite nice. I went up to the lockers but didn't see El. That was strange, maybe she's already at class since it's about to start, I though. I grabbed my books but then I got knocked down. I saw Eric a couple of other people, and Hugo? "What the hell?!" I sad as I was grabbing my books. "You deserve this, Max." Hugo said. I got punched up several times and when a teacher was coming they quickly ran away. "What happened here?" the teacher asked. "I uh, I got in a fight, I need to go to the nurse." I said. I was taken to the nurse, where my face was cleaned up. "Listen, I have a friend Jane, can you let her know where I am, she must be worried about me." I asked the nurse. "Sure, whenever a teacher sees her they will tell her." the nurse said. 

The teachers told me I would still have to the the Biology class so I got my books up from the floor, and went to class. The seat where El would sit, was now empty, and it was already 5 minutes into the class. I was really starting to get worried about her, what could have happened to her?

School was nearly over, and there was no sign of El, I was really scared. I was about to leave the building when I heard sounds coming from the Janitors closet. It sounded like a faint HELP, so I opened it. I saw El in tears, she looked so scared.  I quickly hugged her and asked her what happened. "I... I went to the lockers and... I didn't see you.. then.. then this random boy started talking to me... he... he asked me to get him a pen from that closet.... and I went in and he trapped me!  I was so... so scared Max!" she said in tears. I could not believe this. I started hugging her and comforting her. We went home and told Joyce what happened. She was really angry, and wanting to have a talk with the person who did this. I did too, this was too far.

Authors notes:

Okay, so here's another chapter! I think this one was quite interesting, I hope you enjoy! :)

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