Chapter 14 | Moving. Again.

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Max's POV

I woke up early, but I didn't want to. Today, for whatever reason I have to go back to my parents. The Byers drive me to Hawkins, so I can see my parents. I cuddle El the entire time, I don't want to lose her. The time passes slowly, every time we get closer to Hawkins I get more scared. I remember what happened the last time I saw my parents, I remember the pain. I hug El. After a very long wait, we get to Hawkins. I get out of the car, trembling. "I'm coming with you." El said. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "I don't want them to hurt you." she said. "Thanks El." I say. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek. I can barely knock on the door. Once I do, I wait a few seconds, until the door opens, I see my Mom and step-father. I also see that man from yesterday. I walk in and El follows me. "Everyone, please take a seat." the man from yesterday says. I sit down on the couch. "Susan, you reported that your daughter ran away from home, and wasn't answering her calls, and she was gone for weeks, correct?" "Yes, I was so frightened." my Mom said. Bullshit. They kicked me out. "Maxine, why did you run away?" the man continues. "I DIDN'T, my parents kicked me out, my step-father hurt me, and told me to never come back again! And they never called me, that's why I had to stay with the Byers." I told the man very angrily. "Max, we would never do such a thing, we care about you okay, we were just angry." My mom said. "Then why the hell did you guys yell at me, and beat me up, and tell me to never come back?" I told them.  "Neil and I were just angry at you, I'm sure you've changed though. And we didn't mean to kick you out, we thought you'd come back days ago."   my Mom continued. "Listen, I can't change, it's who I fucking am. I don't know why I'm supposed to talk to you, but goodbye." I say as I storm out. El follows me. "Max." she says with her soft voice. "Are you okay?" El asks. "No." I say as I hug her tightly, nearly crying. "It's going to be alright Max." she said. I stopped crying. My Mom followed me out as well. "Maxine, I'm so sorry we snapped at you that night, but you can't just be staying at some strangers house, pack your things, you're coming back home." My Mom said. "You better not treat me like trash!" I say as tears come streaming down my face. "You have a week, and then we'll pick you up." My Mom said.  I sat next to El on my way back. I was hugging El while I was still crying. I didn't want to talk about it at the moment, and El understood. We just sat there cuddling each other until we got "home", to my real home. I got inside and went straight to my bed. El followed me and sat next to me, holding my hand. "I have to move, back to Hawkins, El." I said. "I know. We'll figure it out, Max." she said. I kissed her, and she kissed me back. We went to sleep. I didn't want this to end. 

Eleven's POV

I can't believe Max has to move. I've been so happy, and know she has to move in with her horrible parents. I didn't want Max to be hurt again.  I needed to figure out a plan. I grabbed my blindfold, I didn't use it in about a year. I've been quite weak lately, but my powers are here. I remembered what Max's mom looked like, so I spied on her. I didn't find anything interesting, Max's parents were just making food. I didn't know what I could possibly do to help Max. She's really moving in one week, the best I can do is support her and help her move. 


Max's POV

So today, I guess I'm moving into that shit hole again. I quickly packed all my clothes and belongings I brought here. The Byers drove me to Hawkins, and time passed so slowly. I held El's hand the entire time, I was so scared. Once we got there, I kissed El. "Goodbye El, I'll try to talk to you as much as I can, and I'm miss you so much." I told her. "I'll miss you too, here I want you to have this so we can talk." El handed me a walkie, and we hugged, hopefully not for the last time. I waved her one last goodbye as I rang the doorbell, and The Byers drove away. "Oh, great, Maxine, we were so worried about you!" my parents said. I went back into my room unpacked all my things. I felt so empty, I just moved away from the person that meant the most to me. I could barely sleep that night, I was still so sad. I hope that I'll still get to see El. I hope things will all work out somehow. 

Author's Notes: You may have noticed my writing style has changed, I'm experimenting with it, since for school you gotta do a lotta writing. I'm not sure if you like it, lol. This chapter was a bit all over the place, but I thought that Max and El gotta run through some problems at some point. Also, do you think I should make Hopper alive, and the Byers move back to Hawkins?

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