Entrance Exams

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Once we were explained that the 4th robot is a zero pointer to avoid, we began heading down to the buses to take us to our training sights. As I was preparing, I noticed Hado again and tried to go say hi. "She is trying to focus. If you are here to distract your fellow examines, than leave now." I was just about ready to turn to the glasses boy from before until I smelled someone familiar from him. "ingenium?" "Excuse me?" "Sorry, my quirk gives me a strong sense of smell and you smell like the pro hero Ingenium. So I was kinda wondering if he was related to you."

"Actually, he's my older brother. Also, what else does your quirk inquire? I have never heard of a cat quirk that lets one smell someones lineage." "It's kinda a little hard to ex-" "AND, GO!" The second I heard go, I bolted into the city on all fours leaving a trail of green lightning in my wake. "WHAT, THEIRS NO READY SET IN THE REAL WORLD! FOLLOW THAT CAT BOY!" Once I got some distance in the city, I began to see some robots charge at me. I began to charge 15% of OFA in my fist before slamming it into a few 3 pointers. The force was so powerful, it created wind pressure and hit a few 2 pointers. 'Guess dialing it back more is gonna be important to avoid damage.' I jump over another 3 pointer about to hit me before kicking it's head off. "16."

Meanwhile in the control room Ochako POV:

I began to watch the monitors and see Deku and Katsumi destroy robot after robot with amazement. "What are these two!?" "Apparently, they come from the same school. The boy has a cat quirk that allows some unique features aside from the norm. Seems they both may have trained together to get stronger." All Might smiles at a man with unruly hair's comment. "Seems we have a few aspiring examines this year." "Perhaps, but lets see what they do when their faced with a real threat." At that point, the mouse person presses a big red button that has me a little worried. 'Something tells me this won't end well.'

Izuku POV:

"Ok, that's 100. That should be more than enough to pass." I start to feel the ground shake with my instincts telling me to bolt the other way. "what was that!?" In the corner of my eye, I see a giant robot with a zero on it. "Guess that explains the whole 'should avoid it' thing." I start moving the other way before I heard a shout. "HELP!" I look over and see Hado on the ground with her leg stuck in the rubble of the zero pointer. Above her, I see the robot about to step on her. I watched and panicked at what was gonna happen. 'No, it won't happen! Not on my watch!"

On reflex, I began running on all fours at 10% full cowl and quickly broke the boulders trapping Hado. "Get to safety!" I shout this as I run up the robot. Suddenly, an image of Kuroka on that day pops into my head to send shivers down my core. Her bloodthirsty eyes glaring at me. 'No, I'm not like that anymore! I'm not the scared little kitten I was when I was 5!' I started to charge ki in me when I got to the head. I jumped into the hair and looked down at the robot. "I won't let that happen to anyone else, nor will I lose control of myself! NEVER! NEKOMATA LEVEL 1!"

As I say this, I slam my ki charged fist that had green flames cover it into the head while shouting. "KASHA SMASH!" The robots head becomes nothing but cinders as it falls back. I land on the ground and glare at the broken robot before making a kong fu pose. "Meow." Everyone around me was speechless at what they had witnessed as I go over to Hado to make sure she was ok. "Hado, are you alright?" "Yeah, I think my leg is hurt though." Without thinking, I started to use Senjutsu to help heal her let with a green light flowing out of me. Once it stopped, I quickly suppressed all my ki to avoid any unwanted attention if possible.

"That was quite a spectacle sonny." I look up to see Recovery Girl come over. "So what did you do there to the girl?" "Oh, I just used a trick I know to help her heal. Nothing major(look up Kuroka or Koneko's skills if you want to learn what these are)." I started to scratch my head and hold a bit of a blush. Hado started to get up to notice her leg was completely healed. "Midoriya, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She started to hug me into her chest with me slightly panicked by this. 'What did I just do!? Now I might have to deal with some devils later! But you know what, at least I did some good with my powers. Would you have approved of this Shirone?'

Once we were done and changed, I headed over to the place me and Kaachan separated from Ochako to meet up with them. "There you are." Kaachan and Ochako looked over and waited for me with some smiles. "I heard you were the one who took down the zero pointer. Total badassness right there Deku." Kaachan started to wrap around my neck with me a little embarrassed. "It was amazing Katsumi! He was all like, WHABAM! And the robots head went, FWOOOSH! Literally, all the teachers in there were on their seats edge as they saw you incinerate it's head like it was nothing."

We kept talking about the exam until we got to the gate. There, we were met by Sitri in jeans and a button down shirt with a blazer(picture up above). "Hey you three. How did the test go?" She looked at us emotionless with a chill going down my spine. "F-fine. I think me and Kaachan have a good chance of passing with Ochako already in on recommendation." She doesn't show any emotion before motioning to an area out of wandering ear listening. As we follow her, I began to shake violently with her showing even less emotion than she did when we first talked to her. 'Did she find out?'

Once she stopped, she began to speak to me. "You know, I felt some abnormal magic power being used right around one of the testing areas." "Y-you did? Maybe a rogue devil or something came into the area." "No, this was ki based. Only natural entities that can commute with nature can use this." Sitri started to look over at me with cold dead eyes. "You told me not to question about your family problems with power, you know about devils and evil pieces, and you have an abnormal cat quirk. In my mind, that's proof enough to ask this. Your one of the Nekomata that are at large in the devils realm, aren't you."

I completely freeze there when she mentions this. "The silence is proves I'm on the mark." Kaachan and Ochako immediately got in front of me prepared for a fight. "If you wanna take Deku, your gonna have to go through us to do it." "Deku's not going anywhere if we have a say in it." All four of us stare at each other for a minute before Sitri speaks again. "I may bring him in, but I forgot my phone and have no other way to contact other devils before I forget. You see, I have this problem with remembering important things for long periods of time." She starts walking away calmly with me completely confused.

"Wait! Why won't you say anything? I'm wanted in the devils realm and you could gain a lot with it. So why?" Sitri stops and speaks without looking at me. "You aren't causing problems that make you a threat at the moment. Bringing you in will only prove that I'm no better than those disgusting heroes that yelled at you. Also, I wouldn't be able to meet with you all again if I did." She glances over with a small smile on her face. "Be mindful of what you use in regards to power and when you use it. Not many devils will be as easygoing as me." She walks away with me in a full on sweat before falling to my knees.

"Deku!" "I'm fine. Just a little shaky. Hehe, that could've gone differently. If it wasn't Sitri, I might've died with you both not far behind." "...Should we go after her?" I shake my head at Kaachan. "She said it herself, she has no reason to take us in other than what people 'believe' of me. Also, I don't think we'll win in a fight against her. without causing a scene." I get up to start walking back home. "For now, lets just pretend this never happened to avoid any similar problems in the future with her." Both of them nod at me with us heading home.

Meanwhile Sona POV:

"So he was a Nekomata the entire time?" I begin to smile at the thought of Midoriya being a lap cat for me. "Wait, what are you thinking Sona! Of course he's cute and cuddly looking, but he is also a wanted criminal of the devil realm." I take out my phone and look down my contacts for my older sisters number. 'Is he though?' "I can't believe I'm calling her." I start calling my sister with frustration already growing having to deal with her. 'Maybe I can help him if I can prove he's not evil.'

And that concludes the chapter. So to clarify, Izuku has the same abilities as Koneko and Kuroka when they use their Nekomata powers. This allows him to creates wheels of ki based fire, enhance his base strength and defense, heightened senses, control the flow of nature to be used for healing, and can make spells and illusions. The last two will be much later since he's suppressing his powers a lot right now. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and make sure to check out my other works if you haven't already. Thanks for reading.

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