Chapter 14 (Part 1) : An unwanted Job

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‘’Thanks’’ I said feeling embarrassed for what I had been thinking just a minute ago.’’

Giving me a smile, she went off to her Spanish leaving me there in guilt. I stood there watching her back when I caught a sight of Doyle Jackson in the hallway. Normally I would run away upon seeing the bane of my existence but today was an exception.

After returning form the café last night I have spent hours doing his homework. When I first opened it I thought I couldn’t do this since he was in senior year while I was a freshman but when I opened the notebook there was a page in it and I just had to copy it in his. It made me wonder if he could easily steal off people’s homework, why he asked me to copy it down. That was just an extra effort that wasn’t really needed.

‘’What do you want White?’’ People automatically cleared the way as soon as they saw him coming.

‘’I did your work.’’ I said handing him the notebook. He took and shoved it in his bag. I whirled around attempting to leave when eh grabbed the back of my clothes making me halt.

‘’Please be a little kind with me, I am a girl.’’ I had already figured that showing guts and snapping at Doyle was never going to help me, it was just going to increase my troubles.

‘’I have a work for you.’’ And there he go again, ruining my mood. What did he think I was? His salary-less secretary, who was forced to do his errands?

‘’Oh but_’’

‘’Here.’’ He wrote down something on a piece of paper and gave it to me. First I thought he was giving me his number, but it was address.

‘’That’s my building address, come here today at eight.’’

‘’Sorry but I am not that kind of girl.’’ I said my cheeks heating.

‘’Whatever that means.’’

‘’I don’t do one night stand.’’ Doyle looked like he might kill me with his bare hands, he even raised his arm making me back away a little out of reflex but he just closed his eyes. To me it looked like he was counting the numbers backwards. His face turned to normal again in a matter of few seconds. I should really give this tip to Derrick, it would really help him.

‘’I don’t hook up with pipsqueaks like you White, just get here on time I have a task I need to get done.’’ And he just walked away just like that, leaving me with face as red as tomato and the piece of paper crumpling in my hand.

All through the school day I couldn’t concentrate on anything, and kept thinking about what Doyle gave me. God know what he wanted from me now?

School passed in the blur and when I came home mom began to tell me about her talk with Julie. Apparently my party was going to be in the café, much to my dismay. Mom was really excited about it and she was getting along well with Julie.

That night at eight, I dressed up in jeans and a long sleeved white grey shirt, despite the warm night I slipped on my hood as well. I didn’t want Doyle to get any wrong idea. I should have ignored his demand but it was just going to bring more problems for me. Something I really needed to avoid.

I told mom I was going to Carmen’s house to complete a homework she was having trouble with, mom didn’t ask much questions because she trusted me a lot. But I didn’t trust Doyle at all. He was a selfish person who was clearly using me, and I was just compiling with everything.

And today I wasn’t sure if I should go there or not. He was violet and weird; he could do anything but his line from earlier kept me from walking back in the house.

‘I don’t hook up with pipsqueaks like you.’ Despite being a bastard, he wasn’t a liar. He was straightforward. Well too straight forward.

When I was in the porch, Dale got out as well, he was also dressed up. More cheery than me though and he had actually combed his hair, they were neatly styled back, without covering his forehead and falling over his eyes like they usually did. I had to admit that even I stared at him for good three minutes when he came out. He looked so different and …handsome.

And it didn’t escape my notice that he was holding a flower in his hand.

‘’Going somewhere caterpillar?’’

‘’Uh, oh yeah I am, what about you?’’

‘’I have a movie date with someone.’’ For some reason it didn’t feel good when he said that with such a happy face.

‘’Oh that’s great.’’

‘’It is, what about you?’’

‘’I have a date as well.’’ I wasn’t sure why I lied but it just slipped out on its own accord. Dale grin vanished and he stared at me as well, face going blank.

‘’Oh so you really have a boyfriend now.’’ Did he think I was joking with him yesterday?

‘’Yeah I have.’’

‘’Good for you.’’ He said smiling, but that smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. I could feel a bit tension rising there and just like before I wasn’t sure why it felt bad that he was going on a date with some girl.

‘’Ok than I will be off.’’ I brushed past him and out in the open night feeling a heavy weight on my heart. I shouldn’t think like that, as if I was almost jel_ no. No way in hell was I jealous. I was just being my old curious self. Dale wasn’t Del. And I didn’t know why I was getting the need to remind myself that.

But what about this tinge of disapproval I had as soon as he mentioned that he had a date!? Oh no, I really had to stop thinking about it too much, I have other problems in hand. Like the one I was heading too.

And as I started walking, I transferred my thoughts from Dale to Doyle and the problem at my hand. I shouldn’t care about whom Dale dates, it’s his personal life. I thought to myself.

It took me good twenty minute walking to the building where Doyle lived. It was a huge one, going up at least fifteen floors, and it felt a little better that it was a sort of public place. For caution, if Doyle tried anything funny I could just scream at top of my lungs and his neighbors will just barge in.

As I went up the elevator to the floor he told me, I was a nervous wreck. Nibbling my lip in anticipation and heart drumming fast against my ribs I finally made it to his door.

‘’Here goes nothing.’’ I whispered to myself quietly praying to God, not to end my life just now.

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