~Chapter 8~

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((Oki so I mostly like Inkmare but Errorink works as well, I mean Error probably likes ink a lot so Yeah Let's start))

Ink= Normal
Geno= Underlined
Everybody else=Normal

Nightmare POV
Me and my gang walked down the hallways on the second floor. It was boring but somehow, a new skeleton managed to squeeze into my gang.
His name was cross, he said he was transferred but I didn't trust him much.
He hated killer the first day they met, they fought until their blood spilled onto the floors. Some college students managed to video taped the fight.
I didn't know all about the fight, until killer came to talk to me.
He told me all of Cross's moves, I suddenly got intrested.
I could use someone like him in my gang, so I recruited cross.
At first he was hesitant about it, then it broke into a small fight between him and me.
He managed to cut me, but I managed to get ahold of him and threaten him that I was about to throw him off the roof.
He finally agreed to join, after I dragged him onto to roof and held him high over the street below him.
Cross followed close behind me, I was sure he was about to backstab me any second.
But surprisingly he didn't, we kept walking until I stopped at my dorm.
"Guy's go ahead of me I want to get something" I said, the others nodded and walked away. Except for cross, he was still new to the gang code. But I'll have horror and dust teach him.
I knocked on the door and then dream opened the door.
"Oh hey Nightmare!" Dream said, I walked past dream and into the room.
I looked under my bed and found a little box, I opened the box and took out a piece of paper and wrote on it.
It was for ink and I needed to know if ink wanted to meet up somewhere soon. After I was done writing I kicked the box back under the bed, but when I walked out into the hallway.
Dream and cross where laughing and talking about something.
"Stop talking to my brother and let's go cross I ain't going to waste time watching you flirt with my brother" I snapped. Cross and dream Blushed, cross booped dream and followed me down the hall.
"I wasn't flirting with him! It was small talk! Understand that Will ya!" He snapped at me.
I walked to Ink's dorm and slipped in the piece of paper under the door.
"What is that?" Cross asked.
"Its business now Shut up Cow" I snapped.
Then the door in front of me opened.
Standing in front of me was ink, he leaned on the door and smiled.
"Well didn't expect you up this morning nightmare" said ink.
I looked at ink, I just glared into inks beautiful eyes that almost made my soul jump out and hug ink.
Then I realized ink had the note in his hands, "so...where are we gonna meet out?" Ink asked.
"How bout you meet me tomorrow morning outside of the dorms" I said, ink looked at me then at cross.
"Sure But whose your friend?" He asked.
Cross smiled, "I'm cross" he said.
"I'm new and I am in your boyfriend's group" he said.
I harshly threw a punch at Cross's shoulder making him trip and fall.
Ink's face was full of blush, cross was chuckling.
"Cya!" Ink said quickly and closed the door.
"Nice job Dumb ass I was about to ask him something" I snapped at cross.
Cross chuckled, "I'm helping you" cross said.
I began to walking down the hall to rejoin with the others, then I wondered where was error? I was out for blood...I was Going to kill error...

Error POV
I was in My brother's dorm, Geno didn't mind me around but if I lay one finger on fresh I was dead. I played with my strings thinking about Blue and ink.
I was confused on everything, my strings remained me, tied between everything I ever known.
"So what you thinking about Bro?" Fresh asked. "Nothing" I said as I Pulled a string and it snapped.
"C'mon tell us Error What's in your mind? Is it blue?" Geno asked.
I nodded lying a bit, ink was also in my mind...
"Man, I have to say Inky is really a radical skele to be with Don't you think so geno?" Fresh asked.
"Yeah, I was planning we hangout every Friday after our classes" Geno said taking a sip out of his soda can, that he secretly hid under his pillow.
I growled and they talked about ink.
"What's wrong error?" Geno asked.
"I don't know...What do you guy's think...if you love someone but you also like another person....but that other person, you can't let go because you just feel like you have a special relationship with them?" I asked.
"Long,confusing,and sad" fresh said.
"Ditch the one you don't have the special relationship"  geno said.
I sighed, Nothing was helpful.
Soon I left their dorm, and decided to return back to my dorm.

"Why hello Error..." I felt a Dark presence around me.
"What do you want Nightmare?" I asked.
He Appeared from a dark corner of the hall. He walked towards me, in a slow expression.
"I'm just here to Make you Pay..."

((Woooooow ok RIP! End me Its so Dramatic and beautiful! Oof I want to dig my grave and Bury this story with me))

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