~Chapter 7~

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((Ok error might be a little triggered right now..Sorry If I destroyed your ship peeps :p))

Everyone else=Normal

Fresh POV
It was 1:00pm I waited outside waiting for Ink. "Hey Fresh what are you waiting out here for?" Geno asked.
I looked at Geno, "I'm waiting for a cool broski whose about to come, but I'm sure he ain't gonna-"
"Hey fresh I'm here Ok ready to go!" Ink said walking to fresh.
"Oh you must be ink! Pleasure to meet you I'm Geno" Geno said.
"I'm ink You must be Error's Other brother!" Ink said.
Geno nodded his head, "Ink do you mind if I tag along?" Geno asked.
"I don't mind after all the more the better!" Ink said cheerfully.
Me,Geno,and Ink walked down the street talking about the college classes, but we mostly laughed at the teachers who acted Werid During the class hours.
Then we reached Muffet's Cafe Corner.
We walked inside, we sat at a table and started to talk about our funny family history. Then Geno stood up from his seat, "I'm gonna go order something what would you two like?" Geno asked.
"Um... I think I would like a Creamy Mocha and a Dark chocolate Mousse" ink said.
"I guess I'll take the same order as you, because those sound good, what about you Fresh?" Geno said.
"I'll take the Oreo Truffles and the chocolate coffee" I said.
Geno went up to the counter, and ordered.
Once our order came up, Me and Ink went to help Geno bring our food and drink to the table.
We took our time laughing about our childhood.
I made ink laugh so hard Ink nearly spit out all his Creamy Mocha.
Geno was about to finish his dark chocolate Mousse, then a dark hooded Skeleton sat right next to geno.
"Oh its you" Geno hissed in a low tone.
"Aren't you happy to see me Gen~" Said the skeleton.
Me and Ink just stared at both of them, he was wearing a black hoodie with a little skull necklace.
He smiled and scooted next to Geno, Geno immediately scooted away from him.
"Reaper for Sakes I told you to leave me Alone" Geno hissed.
This guy named reaper Didn't really understand what 'leave me alone' was.
Because he only wanted to scoot closer to Geno.
"What is this a Double date because It seems like you need to be my date" Reaper said.
Geno growled but a tiny blush Appeared on his face. Ink laughed a little, "what are you laughing about?" I whispered to ink.
"Isn't it funny that your brother is trying to Tell him to go away, but your brother secretly likes him" Ink whispered back. I chuckled and finished my oreo Truffles.
While me and Ink laughed at the two.
Geno was yelling at reaper to get out his face.
Then two costumers stepped into the cafe.

It was Error...

Ink PoV
It was error, no surprise there.
Error told Blueberry that they where gonna meet here.
But I didn't know they would be here already. "Oh hey Error..." Geno said.
Error glanced at us then he Walked to the counter.
He ordered and then he sat at the table behind me. Blueberry sat next to error, as if it was a romanic date.
I then stood up, "um...Guys I'm gonna go! I need to study for a test so see you all later" I said,leaving some money on the table and bolted to the door.

I walked down the sidewalk back to the dorms. It wasn't far away, it was rather a short walk.
Then someone grabbed my hand.
I turned around and then I saw it was error.
"What are you doing here!? aren't you supposed to be with your date?" I asked.
"Yeah but I wanted to give you this..." he then handed me a small keychain, with a little paintbrush and a little doll.
The little doll was handmade, it looked like a miniature me.
"D-did you make this...?" I asked, he smiled and nodded.
"I wanted you to have it" he said.
Then he turned around and returned back. But before he could..."wait How in the world Did you get here!?" I asked.
He smirked, "I jumped out the bathroom window in the back of the cafe."

I laughed, "your Insane" He smiled and ran back to the cafe.
I returned back to my dorm and I went into my room.
I held the keychain close, as I lay down on my bed. I closed my eyes as I felt myself tangled in between Love and Hate...

(REEEEEEEE SO SHORT I'm so sorry if it is short lol Ok so What's Gonna Happen!? Well idk :p))

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