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I shift into my bigger form making the Griffins drop me as I land on the ground and I crush five small trolls as I land the two dragons snap at me and I grab one by it's neck and punch it twice before I was bitten on the arm by the other one

I grab the dragon that is on my arm letting go of the one I was punching and grab its jaw ripping it's mouth apart and dropping on the floor as the other one breaths fire at me again making me cover my face and stumble back

The dragon stops and a smaller target is harder to hit for him so I go to my goat form and as I do I make all ten demons explode while running up to the vampires as I can explode demons in this form so now only 20 vampires stand out of 37

As I stand on the ground I see three lions coming at me with three tigers making me go wide eyed and cocoon myself in my wings as they attack me with there claws making holes through my wings and if you was wondering yes it is painful

I then clone myself as I know I need help with the rest of the enemies as I am slowly tiring out and slowing down so I make three of me and one of me deals with the tigers killing them all

While the other me kills the lions and the third me attacks the three nine tailed foxes tying there tails together and flying them in the sky and dropping them to fall to their deaths

I then start getting whacked by the trolls so I fly both of my clones over and help me take out the five lasting trolls

I then see the three Griffins coming back for more so I split up making them split up but the I clone myself again making six of me and slip up again making them all stop in there track and try to figure what one to go after but I stop myself...s

Looking at the three Griffins surrounded by me and I breath fire out at them killing them and I get myself back together into one but that when I get hit form the back making me fly forward but I get hit again

Fucking Pegasus's can turn invisible I forgot about that and I can't even detect them with heat or soul vision as there not real but I can use the hunters to my advantage if they fall for it that is

So I close my wings letting me fall and I land on the floor right in front of the hunters as I clone myself at least 20 times making them all detect each and very one of me and they start shooting at me with arrows blades and shit like that but I then see them hit a Pegasus making me smirk as a few of my clones get hit as well

I see the other two Pegasus's turn uninvisible so I fly five over to them and snap there neck quickly before pulling myself back to one form

I then get hit by a big ass tail from the dragon making me go flying and it the wall on the other side of the field and that actually hurt as I get back up and see my arm broken

"Oh... Lovely" I say and bend over putting my arm in between my legs and puting the bone back in place with a twist making it crack loudly and I clench my jaw at the pain as it slowly disappears

"Okay no more kind Devil, it's time for killer Devil" I say as that dragon made me mad because it broke my arm so I jump in the air and speed over to it as it sees me coming for it so it breaths fire at me but I just go through it and come out the other side of its head killing it

I turn around and look at the vampires as I fly down and just like bowling I knock down ten of them leaving ten of them left

I land on my feet and something jumps on my back and bites my neck and shoulder making me scream and grab there fur pulling them over my head and stomping on the wolf's head

Another 8 wolf's come at me and I punch my way through them as they bite and scratch at me and I can tell I'm slowing down as there getting more hits on me then they usually would

After I kill the eight wolf leaving only three left 7 vampires come at me using there speed to run passed me and hit me multiple times over and over again and I started to go dizzy from there speed

"Hold on a second imma puke" I say bending over covering my mouth almost puking I take a few breaths before standing back up "o-" instantly I was hit again and again by the same vampires

I let them hit me as I studied there moves and tracks and it wasn't long before I knew all there next steps so I could make a move two vampires run at me from both sides ready to hit me but I duck making them hit each other snapping their necks

Then the next three I rip there hearts out and the other two I rip there limbs off before there head come of

3 wolf's, 3 vampires, ten angels, three hunters, three succubuses are all that is left now and I look around exhausted, weak and out of breath

"Give up and lose this round and we shall give you mercy" an angel speaks "no thanks go to hell" I say but not in a nasty way in a joking manner but I don't think they liked that as the wolf's and vampires held me down with the succubus using there powers to try and hold me still and it was working for them as I couldn't move at my own will

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