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"Now I'm just y/n" I say making her look at me and see I'm in human form and I offer my hand again "your choice" I say to her and she looks away but then back at me and licks her lips and then grabs hold of my hand softly

"Close your eyes and relax" I tell her she take a breath and closes her eyes and I do as well and place two fingers on her temple "open your mind for me" I say and I could tell she was trying but she was trying to hard witch isn't helping in anyway

I think I could help her so I pull her closer to me and rest my hand on her hip and she seemed to lose focus and I could tell she is distracted by the screams she is hearing witch made her close her mind and a spark pushes my hand of her temple "ow" I say shaking my hand a little and she looks at me "sorry" she says with a small tone and I look at my hand to see no damage so it's all good

"What happened?" Dinah asks making me look at her "she lost focus and shut me out" I say and look at Camila "it's okay" I say to her and look around seeing my demons torture people

"Follow me" I say as I grab her hand and lead her somewhere more quiet and the girls follow us

I lead them to a room I haven't been in thousands of years ... The music room witch is the only room that is sound proof

I sit her down and I sit down opposite her "where are we?" Mila asks looking around "music room" I say and she looks at me "do you play?" She asks making me look at her but not say anything

"How about we give this another go?" I say to her and she nods and closes her eyes and I place my fingers back on her temple and close my eyes

I feel her relax and slowly open her mind with less trouble then last time so I look for her hunter side and I couldn't help but notice all these thoughts racing around and some of them speak in Camilas voice

"Why is she so damn hot?"

"I wounder what she tastes like?"

"Do you think she likes us back?"

"Who am I kidding she'll never like us back... She is the devil for fuck sake"

"I could only dream"

I frown the the second to last one "then dream big" I say to her as she opens her eyes the same time as me and obviously I'm blind like last time she just looks at me quietly

"Is she reading my thoughts?"

"More like listening to them" I reply to her and smile

"Well this is embarrassing"

I just chuckle at her as I continue with what I am supposed to be doing and I see a ability that is connected to her hunter and link them together and I find a few more and link them together

"She's so beautiful"

I smile as I hear her think again "thank you" I say to her and I can feel she is smiling

"You're more then just beautiful"

I pull out of her mind and look at her as my vision comes back "as you are too love" I say to her and remove my hand from her temple

She smiles at me "you know you never answered my question" she says as I just look at her "do you play?" She asks and I look down and my hands "not anymore" I say standing up

I catch a glimpse of Ally when I leave the room and she has a look of understanding as she knows why I don't play no more

"Girls we should probably leave it getting late and we all have school tomorrow and I'm sure y/n is tired after helping Lauren and Camila" Ally says to stop them from asking me further questions and they agree with Ally

"We're see you tomorrow y/n thanks for helping us" Lauren says and I just smile in response and they all say there good byes and I then send them home and then I go to bed

-school time-

I wake up and do my normal routine and then go to find the two demons and goat to go school with

I find them waiting by the front door "ready?" I ask them and they all nod but I look at Gary he has his goat legs out and horns "really?" I ask him and he frowns "what?" He asks do I use my powers on him

I put trousers shoes and a beanie on him along with a shirt and jacket and give him a backpack "were be going to earth you can't be walking around naked" I say to him and he just nods as I teleport is to the corner around from the school so no one will see us teleport

I walk into school and find the girls in the same hall as our lockers and they walk over to us "morning" they say in harmony and Lauren looks at Gary "what's he doing here?" She asks looking him up and down

"He needs to be educated that's why he is here" Billie says making Damon laugh and Dinah smiles at her joke

"Lucifer there being mean to me again" Gary says with a upset pout on his face "I know bud" I say as I close my locker "it's because there jealous" I say making Billie look at me with a blank expression

"And why would we be jealous?" Damon asks making me smile "because you still haven't hit puberty like I have" Gray says laughing "but you're a goat so you should be hairy" Mani says as the girls giggle and I look to see what class I have first art

We all go to our classes and Gary is with me in this class along with Lauren and Mani I saw Lauren keep looking at Gary and me while we talk and she kept giving him a death glare

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