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So I decided to stop talking to Gary and look over at Lauren and once she noticed me looking at her she quickly turned back around making me chuckle at her so I moved closer to her slowly taking hold of her as we walk before I speak in her ear

"You know when I see someone stare at someone with a death glare they normally end up killing each other" I say to her and I feel and see her shiver as I speak in her ear lowly making her start to smile "maybe I do want to kill him" she says making me picture her covered in Gary's blood and how sexy she will look

I hum at the images as she looked extremely hot with blood all over her "I wouldn't stop you as long as I can watch" I reply and look at her and she looks at me "really?" She asks making me smile

"But you'll have to do it in hell" I say and she looks forward again and huffs making me smile and kiss her cheek before sitting back over to Gary and I see this red tint on her cheeks

She hide her face with her hair making me smile and continue with the art lesson

After art finished I when to my next lesson witch is ICT and the teacher was called Mr. Cox... yeah there is no way I'm his real name is cox I mean who the hell would want that last name

(A/n true story I had a ICT teacher called Mr. Cox and boy did we all pick on him but it was all in good humour don't worry)

Unless you gay and male then maybe you might or if you have a fetish for the name Cox then that's understandable but still what a werid last name right?

I sit down as he starts the lesson and I didn't get what we had to do I mean I have basically been living under a rock because rock is the ceiling of hell

"What's wrong? You've been staring at the computer for at least five minutes" I hear Dinah says making me look at her "that's the thing... I don't even know what is wrong" I say and she chuckles at me before moving closer to me and looks at the screen and frowns

"You computer needs restarting" she says making me nod "right... and how do I do that when I can't do anything on the screen?" I ask her and she takes hold of my keybored and see her hold down the alt button then the delete button and then finally the control button

I see the computer restart making me smile and look at Dinah "what would I do without you hun" I say and she puts the keyboard back and smiles happily "probably still be staring at the computer with the cute confused face you pull every now and then without knowing" she says making me tilt my head

"No I don't" I say and she smirks at me and pulls her phone out taking a quick photo of me "you're doing it now" she says looking at her phone and then shows me that I am making a face

"Okay fine whatever I was" I say look up at her and she flips her hair in my face while turning around in her chair back to her computer

"Lovely" I say and look back at my computer and start getting to work and I didn't get any more problems with the computer

Once ICT finished it was break time so me and Dinah go to our normal spot where we all meet and I see that girl again that bumped into me the other day

I walk over to her and she see me walk over to her and quickly grabs her books but I grab her arm to stop from walking away from me

"Hey wait I just want to talk" I say to her and she gets her arm out of my hand "sorry I can't I have to go" she says and runs away from me as I speak after her as she runs "but we're in school" I say after her and frown as she has left her locker open making me look at it and I see a picture...

Of me and... My ex fiancé... What. The. Fuck.

I take hold of the picture and closer her locker and stare at the picture

Why does she have this? How... Why... What?

I have so many questions racing through my mind this picture was from decades ago...

Why does she have this photo of me and Diana? This photo was a few days after everything went down and I... I'm so confused

"Hey y/n you okay?" I hear Billie says making me hide the picture behind me and look at her and smile "I'm fine" I say but I feel someone take hold of the photo from behind me and I see Damon holding it

"Oh" he says making me try and take it back of him but failed as Billie took it and I avoid eye contact "I thought you was over her" he says making Billie frown and Ally looks at it as well

"Damn" Billie says making me grab it back again "why do you have that?" Billie asks but I didn't answer as I don't know how to answer any questions that they have for me as I fell pressured and on the spot

"I have to go" I say and put the picture away and was about to walk away from them but Damon blocks my way "no you're going to tell us why you have that" he says making me look at all of them and see them waiting for me to answer so I take a breath

"You know the girl that bumped into me and then said my name and then ran away?" I say and he nods "it was in her locker" I say and he frowns

"Why did she have that in her locker?" Ally asks making me shrug "I don't know" I say looking down at the floor

"Give me the photo" Billie says making me look up at her "why?" I ask

"Because I can't have you breaking down like last time that was ... To much for me to watch" she says making me remember that I cried my eyes out for Diana for years hoping that she would come back to me but she never did and it broke me so fucking bad and I still haven't fully recovered from the heart break that she coursed me 

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