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(A/n any videos or photos tha I use are not mine so disclaimer and this one is a little longer than usual but not by a lot so yeah enjoy xoxo-Lara)

"Let's go" I say and tap both side of the horse and pull on its rains making it stand on both back legs and make its noise and I lift my sword towards the portal making demon scream before running into the third dimension and my horse lands and starts running towards my brother as well as the girls and my three friends follow me to the third dimension

I pick up the paced and my brother shoot at me with lightning bolts hitting my horse so I jump of my horse and land on my feet safely as the horse wasn't so lucky and the girls and demons start to fight some angels

He puts his sword away so I do the same and I could see the girls fighting Diana and a few angels and there really strong and good at what they do they easily take down a few angels before they start to fight my ex and to be honest they look fucking hot while they do

But I look back at my brother as he starts running at me so I run at him

(Red-you yellow-him)

After that punch right in the face I have a massive headache but I jump up in the air flying through it and he turns around and looks up at me 

All I could feel was nothing but rage and hatred for him and the burning desire to kill him like he did my daughter "this is for you Emma" I say to myself and Emma even though she isn't here anymore 

He blocked my kick and I push back off of him and land on the floor "you really thought it was going to be that easy?" I ask him as I wipe the blood off my lip feeling the cuts stinging my skin

"Yeah I did for a second there" he says as I pull my sword out that Billie gave me as I use my powers to make a sword earlier and he does the same and then load of angles point there bows and arrows at me while there up in the sky "it's over for you" he says but then the angles start falling out of the sky and I look up and see my dad hitting them down and he looks at me and smiles "I got your back" he says and flies away

We hear screams of anger all around us as our army fights against one another and I slowly start to catch my breath even though I'm in a lot of pain with cuts and bruises I will still finish him if its the last thing I do

"Let's just end this shit right here right now... Come on sis" he says as he runs at me and attacks me multiple times only for me to block and dodge his attacks but he did manage to punch me in the gut and face a few times as blood fills my mouth

Our sword clash and collide but he gets a few lucky slashing on me and I get a few on him like we did a few seconds again and I swing at him and he holds up his sword and blocked it but I put more pressure on his sword making him hold the other side with his hand making it bleed and he winces in pain

"This is for stealing my ex fiancé" I say and knee him in the gut as I pull my sword back and he drops his sword and I kick it away

"This is for making me the devil I am today" I say and hit him with the handle of the sword in his face "this is for making mum disappear" I say angrily and hit him again with the handle square in his face

"And this" I say as he looks back at me waiting for me to hit him again "Is for killing my daughter" I say as I pull 'the' knife out and go to stab him but he punches me in the private area getting a cheap shot making me drop the knife and hung over grabbing my area

"Not so tough now are ya bitch" he says as he grabs the knife and puts it against my cheek slicing my cheek a little and I turn my head as he puts it under my jaw as I still hold my area from the pain

"Do you know why I did all of that?" He asks as I clench my jaw staying silent as I see Lauren looking at me after she killed a few angles and she gets the girls attention after they finish with there opponents while the demons protect them and they was about to walk over so I put my hand up to stop them from coming over with my power they can't get involved yet so they watch not knowing what to do

"Because I was jealous of you I wanted what you had I wanted a fiancé I wanted a mother that thought I was talented and a family that looks up to me" he says putting more pressure on my neck piercing my skin making me bleed

"But your still missing a few things" I say as I stand up letting go of my area "and what's that?" He asks think that he had everything he wanted

"Your never have family and friends like I do and you. Will. Never have a love like I have" I say smirking at him and this bright light shines above us but we both ignore it and I see my dad stop in his tracks

"But there is one thing your good at being" I say as he keeps his eyes on me "and that is?" He asks "a unbelievable 'back stabbing' prick" I say and he chuckles at me

"Well maybe this time I'll stab you in the chest" he says and lift the knife and I try to stop him but he stabs me in the heart making me grab his shoulder with the ring on my hand and look up at him as I fall to my knees as I lose control of my breathing as I look up at him feeling the knife in my heart and he hold the knife looking me dead in my eyes

"Noo!" I hear the girls scream "y/n!" They scream my name "say hi to your daughter for me" he says and twists the knife and blood comes out of my mouth as I feel nothing but this pain in my chest not like when Bart stabbed me multiple times but this pain it throbs in my heart... my own brother has killed me... I look down as he lets go of the knife and I grab it still holding onto his shoulder

"Y/n!" I hear Dinah shout and I look at the girls who look sad, upset and they look like there are crying and I hate seeing them like that it breaks my heart again but even more the last time

Somehow though they mended me they put me back together again and I never thought that could be possible after what Diana did to me but here I am with a knife in my chest realising that they make me whole again

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