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Once she hits me into the ground she pulls back and looks back at me and sees just and outline of me in the ground as I lay there and sign from tiredness and pain

"Ow" I say sitting back up "why didn't she move?" I hear Lauren asks as I stand up again and Ava breaths blue fire at me and I again let her hit me hoping she would just get the idea

Once she stop I wave my hand about "take. A. Mint." I say loudly looking up at her and she squints her eyes before coming back down to bite me

"Okay that it" I say and I am fed up with this bullshit and once she is about to bite me I garb her top jaw with my left hand and her bottom jaw with my right as she bites me but I lift her head up and then slam her jaw back shut and upper cut her jaw making her whole body follow her jaw

You know, like what you could do with a rope or a slinky when you whip it or let it go down the stairs? Yeah that kind of thing... That's what her body did it was kinda funny

I then grab her tail and throw her away from me making her fly to the other side of the field and hit the ground and I brush my hands making ash come off them

"I win" I say as she turns back winded and coughs up ash "okay... Yeah you win that one" she says as the field then changes to a forest with big trees

"Now wolf pack Vs you" I hear Ava says as I see many wolfs around me and one lunges at me and bites my left arm and another gets my right leg until they all pin me down and the alpha by the looks of it is ready to bite my head off

"Suppose we can't be friends right?" I ask the alpha but it growls at me showing it's teeth "I take that as a no" I say so I let my wings out hitting the two on my legs making them fly back and the alpha throws itself at me so I kick it back and bash the other two head together making them stunned

"Who want to play fetch?" I ask them as I walk over to a tree and grab it pulling it out the ground lifting it up "I call this game, fetch your alpha" I say as the alpha runs and me so I bat him with tree making him fly yards away knocking him out and his pack looks at me and then disappears

"Again I win" I say as the tree disappears as well "okay but what about this?" Ava says making me look at her as I see many supernatural creatures appear... "...Oh you got to be fucking kidding me..."

Three dragons, three packs of six wolf's, one kingdom of vampire witch is about 37 vampires, ten angels, ten demons, two phoenixes, five hunters, three succubuses, three lions, three tigers, three nine tailed foxes, three unicorns, three Griffens, three Pegasus's, two big trolls with ten small trolls, five witches, two hybrids

All in all that's "131 creature" I say as I look at them all surrounded me...

...I'm fucked...

(A/n yes I did the math leave it be it took me two minutes to add it all up but I did it... Let me know if I'm right?)

"Oh crap"

"How many?"

"I think she is doomed"

"Bets are so on" I look at Damon as he smirks as they all start betting on who is going to win while Ava sits down with them

"Can we do this in a single file please?" I ask them all as they looks at me "no?" I say feeling intimidated by them all "at least give me a winning chance" I say as they all stay silent and I'm guessing this is where Ava should of said don't hold back... I so I won't

"Well okay then... Let's just get this over done with" I say as I start on the two hybrids as they came at me first and I manage to grab there head and smash them together killing them and they disappear

Then the witches start doing some voodoo shit and I hit them all using fire balls so that 7 down I think then the two phoenixes come at me spitting fire at me only for me to dodge them by flying around and I then fly up and over one but stop and land on them sitting down I lead the one I am on into the other one so they both crash into each other but obviously I got of the phoenix before they crashed

I then land on the ground again and the two big trolls step up to me making me look up at them "hi" I say as I awkwardly wave at them and they both raise there clubs and swing then down at me

Once there clubs make impact the ground is smokey and once it clears they see I'm not there "hey here!" I says making them see I'm on one's shoulder and the other swings it club and me only to hit the other troll in the head knocking him out

The troll growls at me and keeps swinging at me so I fly down close to the ground making him hit the three unicorns they didn't have a chance against me anyway I figured I could also use this troll to take out a few more enemies while I'm at it

He hits one dragon a whole pack of wolfs, seven vampires and two hunters before a dragon breaths fire at him to stop him lowering there numbers "well that wasn't very nice" I say going up between the dragons looking at one

I could tell they were both about to breath fire and me and they do I was going to move but two Griffins held me in place with there claws and once the fire hit me they let go making me fall to the ground with a big bang

"That's going to leave a bruise" I say as I rub my head and stand up and once I look up I see the three Griffins coming at me "oh shit" I say but was to slow as they pick me up and start hitting me like a pinata

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