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"You don't have to do this of you don't want to" I say to her and she smiles at me "I'll rather have metal teeth then no teeth thanks, plus I need them to feed" she says making me smile and nod

"Okay" I say stepping back letting go of her hands "let's go find the mad scientist" I says jokingly but Lauren and Mani look at each other with a worried look "I'm kidding" I say making them calm down

"Or am I" I say with a evil smile even though I am the mad scientist but they don't know that I just like freaking them out it's funny

I take them to the lab yes a lab in hell "Mani sit down I'll be back" I say and she sits down and I grab the tube with invisibility on it and walk back out and put it into the vile into the computer

I then look back at Mani "wait you're the mad scientist" she says and I nod "yep" I say popping the p looking at the screen and start reading the stats

"Great now I feel as safe as ever" she says "oh stop being dramatic" I say as I grab a needle out of the draw "you never said anything about needles" Lauren says making me look at her

Mani was about to sit up but I put it in her arm and inject her with it "ow" she says as I pull it out "that wasn't so bad" she says as I walk over to the switch on the machine and grab it

"That was Morphine" I say and pull the switch as leather belts hold her down and needles insert themselves into both sides of her neck arms and legs

"Son of a bitch!" She says and I walk over to her "just so you know for the next 12 hours you will be extremely horny as a side effect so pick who you want to look after you" I say to her and she looks at me

"Ally help" Mani says with a unsure look on her face looking at me "good choice love" I say and press the button next to me and watch and the serum is injected into her

Once it is finished I flick the switch again and the leather belts unbuckle her and then she turns invisible making us all look around... Oh no... It's already kicked in... That is how strong it is...

We hear her giggle but we don't see her "Mani where are you?" I ask her but she doesn't answer but then I feel a hand on me sliding down the back of my waist hand onto my ass

"Mani!" I says in shock jumping forward making the girls look at me and Mani giggles "come on I just want a bit of that booty to grab" she says still invisible and her voice echos around the room

I use my soul vision and see her walking towards me from my right side so I quickly grab her arms and pin them behind her

"Hey I thought you couldn't see me" she says as she turns back so we can see her "but with soul vision I can see your soul" I say and hand her to Ally "take her to one of the spare rooms" I say and she nods and does so

I then look at Lauren "take a seat" I say and she looks at the chair in fear "Mani felt more of the pain then you should don't worry" I say and she looks at me

"But what about the 12 hour thing will that happen to me?" She asks as I change all the needles on the machine and look at her "yes so choose who you want to look after you" I say as I walk over to the draw

"And do you still want morphine or not?" I ask her "sure and errm can you look after me I don't trust these two" she says as I grab the needle and turn around

"Why don't you trust us?" Dinah says making Lauren look at her "you couldn't even look after an egg if you tried we put that to the test remember" Lauren says and they both nod as I frown and chuckle at them

"Sure I'll look after you now sit your ass down" I say to her and she sits down and I injected her with the morphine after that I put the needle down and grab the other vile that is full of the metallic silver liquid and put it into the computer

"Lay down" I say and she does "now bite this with you vampire teeth as we don't want you biting your tongue off now do we" I say as put it near her mouth and she does so and pulls a face "I know it isn't very pleasant but it does the trick" I say and she nods as I look over as Dinah

"Can you go flick the switch by that machine" I say point at the switch and she nods and goes over to the switch and grabs it and pulls it down and I press a different button so the leather belts change to metal just in case and Lauren looks at me

"Don't worry I'm just being cautious as we don't want anyone getting hurt" I say and she nods knowing that vampire can sometimes react on impulse of pain "you ready?" I ask her and she nods so I press the other button and she groans and makes fist with her hands and she tense a little

She closes her eyes and groan again and then opens them and I see and extra layer cover her eyes and she settles down as the rest of the formula go into her system, she actually handled that really well better then I expected

I grab the thing she bit into "okay release this" I say making her let go and I take it away from her and see her teeth change to metal "Dinah switch" I say and she flicks it again and I press the button making the needles come out and the metal belts go back into the chair

"Stay there for a second" I says to Lauren and she nods licking her new metal fangs and I grab a special mirror that let vampires see themselves and these aren't to rare

I walk back over to Lauren "when was the last time you saw yourself in a mirror?" I ask her "a few year ago why?" She asks and I hand her the mirror "have a look at your new teeth" I say helping her sit up and she looks at Camila

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