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"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Lucifer" he says bowing his head a little and then stands back up with a little kick of his back leg and clicking on the floor and he blushed as he keeps kicking his leg trying to stop it

"Control yourself that's disgusting" I say chuckling at him and he blush again and stops his leg from kicking "what did he do?" Mani asks making him look at her

"It's what we do to try and attract females to mate with us" he says making Mani pull a face and the Cuban woman glare at the goat

He looks at me "I'm sorry I'm still a little bit wild" he says and I nod "I can tell" I say "I will try and control myself from now on" he says and looks out the window "woah so this is hell" he says walking over to the window

"Obviously can't you tell from the heat and lava" Mani says and then Gary gets thrown across the room into me but I catch him "oh I'm so sorry I'm still learning how to fly" Mila says standing up and Dinah comes in the room

"It's okay now that I have Lucifer's arms around me" Gray says and I hear Lauren growl and I drop him on the floor "no you don't" I say looking down at him and he looks up at me

"Well I did" he says standing up "who's this hottiest?" Dinah asks Mani "Gray he was a dead goat but y/n changed him" Mani says to Dinah

"But the down side is he keeps hitting on y/n" Mila says to Dinah like she is trying to whisper and Dinah looks at the goat man

"I can sort that out" Dinah says walking over to him but I stop her "don't touch my servant" I say to her and she pouts "thank you Lucifer" Gray says and I grab his hand and drag him over to my balcony I need to see how loyal Gray is this is something I do to all my servants

"Jump" I say to him and he looks down and see it's a long way down "I'm okay thank you" he says and I look at him and he looks at me "I wasn't asking" I say making his smile fade as he look over the edge again and I smack his ass making him jump of the balcony and land on his hooves safely

"I could of died" he says "you're in hell you can't die here" I reply as I walk back inside and passed the girls into my wardrobe as I need new clothes as I ripped them when I turned into my big devil form

I close the doors and shift back to my human form getting dressed and then walking back out "you girls should be getting back home by now but I'll see you all tomorrow at school" I say and they nod

"See you tomorrow" they say in harmony making me look at them "okay then..." I say and send them home and I get one my bed and fall asleep

-school time-

"Wakie wakie!" I hear someone shout as they walk into my room making me groan but then I feel someone move next to me and me sit up and look to see... Gary he wake up and looks at me and I kick him out of my bed

"Sorry master I just got lonely last night" he says standing up and I look at the doors and see Billie and Damon looking at us too "really? A goat?" Damon says in disbelief

"Hey maybe y/n is into goat so don't judge" Billie says making me roll my eyes and get up out of bed "Gary is my servant nothing less nothing more" I say and they both nod with the same looks on there faces

"Sure... " Billie says meaning they done believe me but I just ignore them and get ready for school

After that we leave for school but Gray wanted to come along so I promised him next time as we need to sign him up for school first and that the first thing I did when I got to school as I didn't want to forget so he will start Monday

"I still can't believe she slept with that goat guy" Damon says to Billie as we go to our lockers "I didn't sleep with him" I say and Billie looks at me

"Sure you didn't sleep with Gray because when we came in it didn't look like you both were in the same bed sleeping in each others arms all cuddly and smushy" Billie says making me glare at her in discuss

"You slept with the goat?" Lauren asks making me turn and see the girls "no I didn't in my defense when I went to bed I was alone" I say as I close my locker

"But he was there when we came in" Damon says looking at me "yeah and he was there when I woke up I didn't even know he came into my room and may I add while I was sleeping" I say and then feel a little creeped out at that thought

"That sounded really creepy" I say and they all nod agreeing "put a leash on that thing" Billie says "no need to goat men can be really clingy and there good at cuddling for many reasons" Damon says as the bell rings

"And for goat milk" Damon says making us all look at him "he is male not female unless you're on about milking something else" Billie says making me laugh at his face he pulls

"I have to go to class" he says walking off with Billie following him and teasing him about what he just said and Mani pulls Ally with her to there class

"What class you got?" Mila asks and I see I have "p.e." I say and look up at them "who the fuck has p.e. this early in the morning that's... So cruel... I love it" I say smiling "yeah but we don't" Dinah says with an unhappy tone

"Come on were show you to the gym as we all have the p.e. anyway" Lauren says as we walk to gym class and go to the changing rooms and I don't know if I should go in the females or the males....

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